The death of a minor league player leads to a math prodigy and stirs old feelings for Don. The death of a minor league player leads to a math prodigy and stirs old feelings for Don.
Hardball · Summary. The death of a minor league player leads to a math prodigy and stirs buried feelings for Don, whose own playing career was nipped in the bud.
9 ago 2006 · Episode Synopsis: In the midst of an investigation into steroid use in baseball, Vick Johnston dies of an overdose of a steroid during a ...
Numb3rs 308: Hardball. In this episode the most significant mathematics involved was the discussion of sabermetrics, which are various methods of collecting ...
"Numb3rs" Hardball (TV Episode 2006) - Plot holes - When Oswald Kittner is being initially questioned about his baseball statistics work, he says he never ...
The case of a dead minor league baseball player leaves Don and the team with more questions than answers. When Charlie discovers that someone has come up ...
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In “Hardball,” an amateur mathematician uncovers an equation that identifies steroid abuse in baseball. One branch of analysis used to study baseball statistics ...
The case of a dead minor league baseball player leaves Don and the team with more questions than answers. When Charlie discovers that someone has come up ...
Synopsis Don and his team investigate a minor-league baseball player's death; a fantasy-league player's statistical analysis that identifies which players ...
Summary. Charlie's investigation of a company's toxic paving material is impeded by a new school ...