While Homer tries to get revenge on a driver who cut him off, his family warns him of the folly of revenge by telling stories based on "The Count of Monte Cristo," "Revenge of the Nerds," an... Read all.
The Simpsons are infants who crawl to the couch while "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" plays in the background. After reaching the couch, they grow up to their ...
Moe breaks up Homer and Marge's marriage by framing Homer as an English traitor. When Moe marries Marge, Homer, now in a French prison, swears revenge. His ...
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After the Simpsons' car breaks down, the family tells each other tales of revenge gone wrong. Marge offers a cautionary tale of revenge from 19th-century...
4 giorni fa · This angers Homer who decides that he wants revenge on The Rich Texan. To try and convince him otherwise, Marge tells him a story. The Count of ...
The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 11: "Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times" Quotes ... Thank you, masked vigilante. Your over-zealous homicide has saved me 80 ...
Marge and Lisa try to talk Homer out of taking revenge with their stories, but he doesn't listen. Bart encourages revenge with his story, but Homer makes up ...
The Bartman segment contains several plot references to the Tim Burton Batman movie. Bartman sees his parents shot by an unknown crook in a dark alleyway, ...
18 feb 2024 · When Marge tells Homer that revenge never solves anything, Homer asks what America is doing in Iraq, a reference to the Iraq War. The Count of ...
Whilst Marge's story, and by extension the episode, intends to tell how the Count's quest for revenge was wrong and just makes him lose everything, we see how ...
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