Sheldon tries to relax after he is forced to take a vacation. Leonard struggles to be supportive of Penny after she quits her job. Amy receives unwanted attention from a co-worker. Bernadette seeks Stuart's help in replacing one of Howard's comic books.
Valutazione (3.283)
Sheldon tries to relax after he is forced to take a vacation. Leonard struggles to be supportive of Penny after she quits her job.
Summary. Penny makes a major change in her career, Leonard is struggling with words to support her, Rajesh and Howard help Amy when she gets stuck with a date ...

La ricalibrazione occupazionale

Episodio televisivo
Costretto ad andare in vacanza, Sheldon deve imparare a rilassarsi. Leonard cerca di essere di supporto a Penny quando lei lascia il lavoro. Bernadette chiede aiuto a Sturat per rimpiazzare uno dei fumetti di Howard.
Numero puntata: 13
Numero stagione: 7
Data di messa in onda: 9 gennaio 2014

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