Synopsis. Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj are in the Caltech cafeteria when Barry Kripke approaches them to announce that the smell from Professor Tupperman's office was the deceased professor who passed away two weeks previously. His death opens a tenured position in the Physics Department.
The Big Bang Theory plot of The Tenure Turbulence da bigbangtheory.fandom.com
While having dinner together, Penny learns that a professor in a tenured position can't be fired no matter how bad he or she is. She quips that it's like being ...
Valutazione (3.584)
The death of Professor Tupperman at Cal Tech opens up a tenured position. Leonard, Sheldon, Raj and Kripke each have different reasons for wanting the ...

La turbolenza del ruolo

Episodio televisivo
Leonard, Sheldon, Raj e Kripke competono aspramente per ottenere un ambito posto di insegnante all'università. I quattro sono disposti a commettere qualsiasi bassezza pur di raggiungere il loro scopo.
Data di messa in onda: 4 aprile 2013
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Following the death of a tenured professor, the university has an open spot for another, and Leonard, Sheldon, and Raj compete over it. Kripke (John Ross Bowie) ...
4 apr 2013 · The main person the three men try to impress is Janine Davis, the black human resources worker that Sheldon called a slave back in “The Egg ...
4 apr 2013 · When a tenured position opens up at the university, Leonard, Sheldon and Raj compete with Barry Kripke for the job.
5 apr 2013 · The boys are competing for tenure in the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory, against a certain Mr Kripke...
3 George Cooper Sr. Explore the World of Collision Point. Presented by NHTSA.
5 apr 2013 · In the midst of a conversation regarding the immortality of certain jellyfish we discover that Professor Tupperman is not at all immortal. He ...
The Big Bang Theory plot of The Tenure Turbulence da www.ign.com
Valutazione · Recensione di Jesse Schedeen
4 apr 2013 · An open tenure position creates a rift between Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj. Does that lead to drama or comedy?