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Bernadette wants to be get married to Howard before he leaves for Russia, so the gang rushes around to have an impromptu wedding.
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As Howard prepares for his mission into space, flashbacks show the recent events leading up to his and Bernadette's wedding.
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Plot. Howard is in a Soyuz capsule with Mike Massimino and Dimitri Rezinov, about to launch to the International Space Station, while Bernadette, Raj, Leonard, ...
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Howard è nella capsula Soyuz in attesa del lancio: semiterrorizzato, ripercorre mentalmente gli ultimi giorni, e così si viene a sapere che lui e Bernadette ...
As Howard prepares for his mission into space, flashbacks show the recent events leading up to his and Bernadette's wedding.
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Il riflesso del conto alla rovescia

Episodio televisivo
Bernadette è decisa a sposare Howard prima che questi parta per una missione nello spazio, ma qualcosa va storto. Intanto una serie di flashback mostra gli eventi che hanno portato al loro matrimonio.
Data Di Messa In Onda: 10 maggio 2012
The Countdown Reflection, Il riflesso del conto alla rovescia, 10 maggio 2012 ... Trama. modifica · Leonard rivela accidentalmente a Howard che Raj scriveva ...
11 mag 2012 · The episode flashes back to the events leading up to Howard and Bernadette's wedding, beginning with Bernadette's decision to move their wedding ...
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10 mag 2012 · When Howard and Bernadette decide they want to be married before his NASA space launch, the gang rushes to put on a wedding.
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Following a “Previously on The Big Bang Theory” section Scene: A Soyuz Spaceship capsule. Mission Control (in Russian): Launch step twelve reading okay.
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Leonard and Penny develop a system to ensure their dates go smoothly. Raj finally finds a woman he can talk to - the virtual assistant on his mobile phone.
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