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La disintegrazione di Rothman La sfida consiste nel fare cinque canestri secondo le regole della pallacanestro. Poiché dopo numerosi tentativi, tutti falliti, nessuno dei due contendenti riesce a fare nemmeno un solo tiro libero, Leonard decreta che risulterà vincitore colui che farà rimbalzare la palla più in alto.
Valutazione (3.726)
With Professor Rothman (Lynn Phillip Seibel) forced to retire because of his mental health, both Sheldon and Kripke call dibs on his office. Since university ...
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Dopo le dimissioni del professor Rothman, Sheldon e Kripke competono per chi debba avere il suo ufficio. Dopo aver scartato l'ipotesi di ...
The guys return from a retirement party for Professor Rothman, theoretical physicist, who had a breakdown and went insane. The others wonder about Sheldon since ...
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5 mag 2020 · The Rothman Disintegration ... Sheldon and his rival Barry Kripke fight it out over the availability of a new office. Penny gets a gift from Amy ...
The guys return from a retirement party for Professor Rothman, theoretical physicist, who had a breakdown and went insane. The others wonder about Sheldon since ...
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Leonard e i suoi amici sono invitati ad una festa da Wil Wheaton, il nemico giurato di Sheldon. Sentitosi dapprima tradito, Sheldon decide di partecipare al ...
After Prof. Rothman (Lynn Philip Seibel) is forced to retire from the university, Sheldon and his rival Barry Kripke (John Ross Bowie) fight over the ...
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When a corner office at the University opens up, Sheldon must compete for it with his office nemesis, Barry Kripke. Meanwhile, Penny receives an unusual ...
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When a corner office at the University opens up, Sheldon must compete for it with his office nemesis, Barry Kripke.
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