The 1920s Decade Dance takes a deadly turn when Damon and Stefan realize they need the help of Matt, Jeremy and Bonnie to undo a spell that could be devastating for everyone.
Alaric finds an unexpected ally to guide him on his dangerous new path, while Damon and Meredith try to figure out what their next move should be.
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Esther forces Elena to supply blood to transform Alaric into the ultimate vampire killer, but then the binding spell is broken.
Elena arrives at the Salvatore tomb with Esther and she reveals that she's going to turn Alaric into an Original so that he can kill the others. Esther says ...
Non farlo dolcemente

Non farlo dolcemente

Episodio televisivo
Il ballo del decennio 1920 ha una svolta mortale quando Damon e Stefan comprendono che hanno bisogno di aiuto da Matt, Jeremy e Bonnie, per disfare l'incantesimo funesto per tutti.
Regista: Joshua Butler
Data Di Messa In Onda: 26 aprile 2012
27 apr 2012 · The turning of Alaric was sad enough, but it was his killing of Esther and decision to not complete the transformation that truly brought the ...
26 apr 2012 · Esther brings Elena to the tomb and reveals her master plan. She's going to transform Ric into an indestructible vampire hunter—who happens to ...
1 mag 2012 · Alaric decides not to complete the transition into a vampire, fearing the evil side of his alter ego. Ever the nice guy.
27 apr 2012 · Caroline is experiencing sour grapes over the fact that Rebekah hijacked her decade party plans, and takes it out on a chandelier.
Bonnie enters the tomb, looks down at Alaric's body, then stabs one of her palms with the indestructible white oak stake and puts her palm to Alaric's mouth.