Pope John Paul II was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 until his death in 2005. Pope Saint. John Paul II.

Pope John Paul II

Former head of the Catholic Church
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Fu eletto papa il 16 ottobre 1978. In seguito alla causa di beatificazione, il 1ş maggio 2011 č stato beatificato dal suo successore papa Benedetto XVI; viene ...
100' della nascita di San Giovanni Paolo II 18/05/2020 Pope Francis: St John Paul II a man of prayer, closeness, justice
Giovanni Paolo II Pope John Paul II ; 1, Open the doors ; 2, Nazisti a Cracovia ; 3, Deportazione ; 4, Gli amici di Karol ; 5, Gita in kajak.
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La Vita Di Papa Giovanni Paolo II ... Usually ships within 4 to 5 days. ... This item can be returned in its original condition for a full refund or replacement ...
Lunedě, 18 gennaio 1988. Dear Brother Priests, I receive you with joy on the day following the feast of St Anthony, Abbot, a distinguished example of ...
The Foundation aims to encourage the evangelisation of young people and to support youth ministry in its various spheres. The spirit of the John Paul II Youth ...
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The tomb of St. John Paul II is the most representative pilgrimage destination within the Vatican and sought after by faithful, pilgrims and tourists from ...
Perché č santo? E 'a causa delle sue realizzazioni apostoliche, la sua vita e il suo instancabile viaggio imponente? Tutto ciň che č importante, ...
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Souvenir Vaticano - P.P. Giovanni Paolo II Coin & Stamp Set ; Est. delivery. Mon, Sep 23 - Fri, Sep 27. From Tazewell, Tennessee, United States ; Returns. Seller ...