The Maine Coon is a large domesticated cat breed. One of the oldest natural breeds in North America, the breed originated in the US state of Maine.
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The Maine Coon is endemic to North America and is the state cat of Maine, where it was first recognized as a breed. They are a product of natural selection ...
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The Maine Coon is the biggest cat breed used as a pet. It has a unique look and good hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America.
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The Maine Coon is a large, domesticated cat breed. Myths, legends, and lore surround the Maine Coon… some are amusing, some are fantastic flights of fantasy ...
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Maine Coon ; Phylum: Chordata ; Class: Mammalia ; Order: Carnivora ; Family: Felidae ; Genus: Felis ...
These shaggy, “super-sized” cats are one of the best-known cat breeds, and are bred and shown all over the world. Friendly, sweet-tempered and easy to train.
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Maine Coon Cats are tall, muscular, big-boned cats; males commonly reach 13 to 18 pounds, with females normally weighing about 9 to 12 pounds.
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Sweet natured and playful, the Maine Coon is the largest cat breed. It has a bushy tail that resembles a raccoons. Learn more about them here.
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