Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867-January 9, 1961) was born in Boston, the daughter of Francis V. and Ellen (Noyes) Balch. Hers was a prosperous family, ...
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Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867 – January 9, 1961) was an American economist, sociologist and pacifist. Balch combined an academic career at Wellesley ...
Emily Greene Balch

Emily Greene Balch

Scrittrice statunitense
Emily Greene Balch è stata una pacifista, scrittrice ed economista statunitense, vincitrice, con John Mott, del Premio Nobel per la pace nel 1946, per le sue attività presso la Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Wikipedia
Nascita: 8 gennaio 1867, Boston, Massachusetts
Morte: 9 gennaio 1961, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Genitori: Ellen Balch
Emily Greene Balch was an American sociologist, political scientist, economist, and pacifist, a leader of the women's movement for peace during and after ...
Emily Greene Balch was an American sociologist, political scientist and economist, and a leader in the women's peace movement. She received the Nobel Prize ...
Radical peace advocate Emily Greene Balch was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her lifelong efforts for disarmament and peace.
30 gen 2017 · Emily Greene Balch (1867-1961), an American economist, sociologist, political scientist, and pacifist who rose to prominence during and after World War I.
19 nov 2022 · Emily Greene Balch (1867 – 1961) was a socialist, a pacifist, a professor, a Nobel prize winner, and an educated sociologist and economist.
7 apr 2016 · Emily Greene Balch was an American economist, sociologist, and pacifist. She was born January 8, 1867 in Boston, Massachusetts to a prominent ...
Lifelong peace activist Emily Greene Balch won the 1946 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts. Abstract: Emily Balch was born on January 8 ...
Emily Greene Balch (1867–1961) was an international peace activist and social reformer who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for a lifetime of continuous ...