Idris was King of Libya from 24 December 1951 until his ouster in the 1 September 1969 coup d'état. He ruled over the United Kingdom of Libya from 1951 to ...
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Idris di Libia (Idris of Libya)

Idris di Libia (Idris of Libya)

Idris, nome completo Sidi Muhammad Idris al-Mahdi al-Senussi, fu il primo re di Libia. Regnò dal 1951 al 1969; gli succedette il nipote Hasan di Libia, che fu esautorato immediatamente lo stesso giorno, detronizzato dal colpo di Stato di Muʿammar... Wikipedia

Idris I (born March 13, 1890, Jarabub, Cyrenaica, Libya—died May 25, 1983, Cairo, Egypt) was the first king of Libya when that country gained its independence ...
a Libyan political and religious leader. First, he was the chief of the Sanusi Muslim Order. Then, he became the Emir of Cyrenaica.
3 apr 2022 · King Idris was religious and conservative. He controlled the army and had considerable influence over parliament.
Muhammed Idris as-Senussi, the first and last king of Libya. He ruled between 1951 and 1969 and was deposed by Gaddafi, then a 27-year-old military officer, in ...
King Idris, , the first and only king of Libya, reigning from 1951 to 1969, and the Chief of the Senussi Muslim order, c. 1960. Libya: King Idris, (b. Sayyid ...
The documents in this collection highlight the bloodless coup by a group of Libyan military officers which removed King Idris I.
15 mar 2024 · King Idris is the main source of power and the principal unifying force in Libya, because only he is able to control both the federal and ...
19 nov 2015 · The story of King Idris I, who unified Libya and became its first king in 1951 before being toppled by Gaddafi in 1969.
12 lug 2022 · At its heart was a largely symbolic monarchy, led by the Libyan hero Idris al-Senussi, who served as father of the nation and King of Libya ...