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Ottone d'Asburgo-Lorena, l'ultimo arciduca ereditario d'Austria e d'Ungheria (Reichenau an der Rax, 20 novembre 1912 – Pöcking, 4 luglio 2011), ...
Ottone d'Asburgo-Lorena

Ottone d'Asburgo-Lorena

Ex Membro del Parlamento europeo
Ottone d'Asburgo-Lorena, l'ultimo arciduca ereditario d'Austria e d'Ungheria, è stato un nobile austriaco e politico tedesco, capo della Casa d'Asburgo dal 1922 al 2007, anno in cui abdicò in favore del figlio Carlo d'Asburgo-Lorena. Wikipedia

Otto von Habsburg was Vice President (1957–1973) and President (1973–2004) of the International Paneuropean Union movement. From 1979 to 1999, he served as a ...
"The heir to the throne". As first child of Archduke Charles and Zita Bourbon Princess of Parma, Otto von Habsburg was born November 20, 1912 in the Villa ...
Profile page - Otto von HABSBURG - Profile page of a current Member of the European Parliament - History of parliamentary service during the 4th legislative ...
Otto von Habsburg published 35 books in nine languages on historical, social and political topics and particularly on European politics.
4 lug 2011 · Otto von Habsburg, who has died aged 98, bore the oldest and most eminent dynastic name in European history and could, according to ...
18 ago 2023 · Archduke Otto · Otto von Habsburg was the son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor. · Born in Austria on November 20, 1912, he died on July 4, ...
Valutazione (3) · 38,55 USD
Otto von Habsburg gives a detailed account of the turbulent times in which Charles V lived and the epoch shaping political, religious and global conflict he ...
Otto was the first child of the designated heir to the throne Archduke Karl and his wife Zita. As the future crown prince he was the focus of much attention.
Otto von Habsburg , last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary and Archduke of Austria, pictured standing on a street in Innsbruck, Austria on 28th April...