Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch (* 3. März 1895 in Christiania, heute Oslo; † 31. Januar 1973 in Oslo) war ein norwegischer Ökonom. Für seine Analyse ...
Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch (3 March 1895 – 31 January 1973) was an influential Norwegian economist known for being one of the major contributors to ...
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Ragnar Frisch (Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch)

Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch è stato un economista norvegese, vincitore, insieme all'olandese Jan Tinbergen, del primo premio Nobel per l'economia nel 1969, «per aver sviluppato e applicato modelli dinamici per l'analisi dei processi economici». Wikipedia

He is best known for his contributions to dynamic economic modeling, and in 1933 he presented the first mathematical economic model that could describe ...
Frisch founded the Econometric Society in 1930. Frisch believed that econometrics would help establish economics as a science, but toward the end of his ...
Norwegian econometrician and economist who was a joint winner (with Jan Tinbergen) of the 1969 Nobel Prize for Economics.
The Norwegian economist Ragnar Frisch was the lord of economic nomenclature. He coined many of the words and phrases we are now familiar with in economics, ...
In 1926, Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch coined the term econometrics in his first economic publication. The opening sentence was bold: “In be- tween mathematics, ...
31 mar 2024 · Ragnar Frisch (1895–1973) completed his doctorate on mathematical statistics at the University of Oslo in 1926 and later became Professor of…
Autobiography of Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch from the website of The Nobel Foundation. Also on the site is a text of the speech by Professor Erik Lundberg.
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Ragnar Frisch (1895-1973) received the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science together with Jan Tinbergen in 1969 for having played an important ...