Robert William Holley (January 28, 1922 – February 11, 1993) was an American biochemist. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1968 for ...
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Robert Holley was the first person to successfully isolate tRNA and, in 1964, was also able to map its structure.
Robert William Holley (Robert W. Holley)

Robert William Holley (Robert W. Holley)

Robert William Holley è stato un biochimico statunitense, noto per aver individuato la struttura del tRNA responsabile del trasporto dell'alanina ed aver contribuito, insieme a insieme a Marshall Nirenberg ed Har Gobind Khorana, a descrivere il... Wikipedia

13 ago 2016 · Robert W. Holley was born in Urbana, Illinois, on January 28th, 1922, one of four sons of Charles and Viola Holley.
Robert W. Holley was born in Urbana, Illinois, on January 28th, 1922, one of four sons of Charles and Viola Holley. His parents were both educators. He attended ...
Robert William Holley was an American biochemist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1968 with Marshall Warren Nirenberg and Har Gobind ...
The Robert W. Holley Research Center for Agriculture and Health (RHRC) is situated on the Cornell University campus in beautiful Ithaca, NY.
17 feb 2006 · Using the modified countercurrent distribution technique, Holley, Apgar, and Merrill purified alanine, valine, histidine, and tyrosine tRNA.
Robert William Holley was born on January 28, 1922, in Urbana, Illinois. He obtained a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, in ...
The 1968 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine was shared by 3 scientists, Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind. Khorana (1922- ), and Marshall W. Nirenberg (1927- ) ...
14 feb 1993 · Robert W. Holley, a biologist who won the Nobel Prize for unraveling the genetic code of ribonucleic acid, or RNA, died Thursday at his home ...