... sospira e piange e mostra doglia immensa. The face of Bradamant does not for that reason [knowing she is a woman] seem less beautiful to her, her expression ...
pensa, / sospira e piange e mostra doglia immensa' ” (25.33.5-8). (“Seeing her accoutred as a man, she had imagined that there would be no need for her ...
... sospira e piange e mostra doglia immensa. (25, xxxiii, 5–8) Seeing her accoutred as a man, she had imagined that there would be no need for her passion to ...
... sospira e piange e mostra doglia immensa. 34 Chi avesse il suo ramarico e 'l suo pianto quel giorno udito, avria pianto con lei. — Quai tormenti (dicea) ...
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