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Recommended citation: Libertini G. The Feasibility and Necessity of a Revolution in Geriatric Medicine Giacinto Libertini. OBM Geriatrics 2017;1(2):002; doi: ...
The Feasibility and Necessity of a Revolution in Geriatric Medicine. by Giacinto Libertini. Received: 19 February 2017; Published: 13 April 2017; doi ...
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The feasibility and necessity of a revolution in geriatric medicine · Giacinto Libertini. 2017, OBM Geriatrics. Nowadays, geriatrics is mainly the treatment by ...
The feasibility and necessity of a revolution in geriatric medicine · Giacinto Libertini. 2017, OBM Geriatrics. Nowadays, geriatrics is mainly the treatment by ...
Libertini (2017) The feasibility and necessity of a revolution in geriatric medicine, OBM Geriatrics, 1(2), doi: 10.21926/obm.geriat.1702002, in formato PDF, 1, ...
The Feasibility and Necessity of a Revolution in Geriatric Medicine. Libertini G. OBM Geriatrics , 2017 , citations by CoLab: 12 | Abstract. Currently ...
24 mag 2022 · Libertini G (2017) The feasibility and necessity of a revolution in geriatric medicine. OBM Geriatr 1(2). ...
The Feasibility and Necessity of a Revolution in Geriatric Medicine. Article. Full-text available. Apr 2017. Giacinto Libertini. In contrast ...
Libertini G (2017) The feasibility and necessity of a revolution in geriatric medicine. OBM Geriatrics 1(2).
Figure 8 Current approaches to the interpretation, prevention and care... The Feasibility and Necessity of a Revolution in Geriatric Medicine. Article. Full ...