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3 giorni fa · DIGITAL HEALTH focuses on healthcare in the digital world, bridging the evolution of advances in informatics and technology in medicine, health and all ...
5 giorni fa · Continuity of care is essential to older patients' health outcomes, especially for those with complex needs. It is a key function of primary healthcare. Despite ...
24 ore fa · This paper presents a case study describing the use of social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram, as a valuable tool for recruiting participants in ...
Mancanti: feasibility | Deve includere:feasibility
5 giorni fa · Numerous studies showed that digital transformation is an important force driving the development of education systems for older adults toward high quality ...
7 giorni fa · This chapter explores the ethical considerations of AI-generated healthcare innovation, emphasizing the need for a balance between AI-driven progress and ...
Valutazione (10)
2 giorni fa · The Geriatrics Education and Care Revolution: Diverse Implementation of Age-Friendly Health Systems ... Geriatric Syndromes and Review of Its Feasibility. Reshma ...
8 ore fa · A 3-month intervention of Dance Dance. Revolution improves interference control in elderly females: a preliminary investigation. Exp Brain Res. 2015 Apr;233 ...
3 giorni fa · The use of DATs is expected to benefit patients, care professionals, physicians, and health care organizations.
6 giorni fa · MIRA and the LCMA provide funding and support to McMaster trainees in aging research. This includes postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, Master's students, and ...
5 giorni fa · Paediatric medicine and clinical research have undergone a complex and exciting revolution in recent years: New technologies, personalized medicine and active ...