The story of Gertrude Flint, an abandoned and mistreated orphan rescued at the age of eight by Trueman Flint, a lamplighter, from her abusive guardian, Nan Grant.
... da me la mattina , che ti darò un ovo fresco ; quello ti farà bene . Alle buone parole Annina rivedeva come in un sogno la sua bella vita di quattro auni addietro , quando ogni mattina se ne andava di casa in casa a dare il buon giorno ...
... che gli erano state rubate . Mi parve ancora eccitato , e l'invitai a re ... trasalire : urtando con la mano il legno , egli aveva cre- duto di percepire ... fa questa bara , con un feroce spasimo di gioia , perchè pensavi ch ...
His Abruzzo articles, and especially those in which he records examples of extraordinary devotional behavior (akin to what Mark Twain was witnessing at that time on the banks of the Ganges), became the basis of the stories in this ...
The aim of the second part of the project on the impact of the racial laws under the Mussolini regime is to offer the reader a critical edition and an English translation of 139 letters that were exchanged between the victims of those laws ...
Among those who read the novel and praised it most highly we find Italo Calvino: «And it was the most solitary of us who succeeded in writing the novel we all wanted to write about the war (...) Only now thanks to Fenoglio, we can say that ...