
Learn to pronounce ex·cur·sus

a detailed discussion of a particular point in a book, usually in an appendix.

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The meaning of EXCURSUS is an appendix or digression that contains further exposition of some point or topic.
An excursus is a short episode or anecdote in a work of literature. Often excursuses have nothing to do with the matter being discussed by the work, ...
a message that departs from the main subject. synonyms: aside, digression, divagation, parenthesis, tangent. see moresee less. type of:.
Synonyms for EXCURSUS: appendix, afterword, epilogue, conclusion, codicil, supplement, addendum, coda; Antonyms of EXCURSUS: introduction, preface, ...
noun · a detailed discussion of some point in a book, especially one added as an appendix. · a digression or incidental excursion, as in a narrative.
excursus (plural excursuses or excursus). A fuller treatment (in a separate section) of a particular part of the text of a book, especially a classic.
a detailed discussion or explanation of a subject, which is separate from the main subject that is being written or talked about: Before ...
1. a detailed discussion of some point in a book, esp. one added as an appendix 2. a digression or incidental excursion, as in a narrative.
An excursus is a moment where a text moves away from its main topic – it's roughly similar to “digression.” However, excursus in a formal essay usually occurs ...
Call it a note or 'excursus,' which is the scholarlike name for notes a little longer than usual, and all will be made right.