The Parson Russell Terrier is a breed of small white terrier that was the original Fox Terrier of the 18th century.
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The Parson Russell Terrier was first bred in the south of England in the mid-1800s to hunt European red fox, both over and underground, for the sport of kings.
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PARSON RUSSELL TERRIER (339) ; Breed status, Recognized on a definitive basis ; Country of origin of the breed, GREAT BRITAIN ; Working trial, Subject to a working ...
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The Parson Russell Terrier is a small dog ranging between 12 and 15 inches high at the shoulder - the longest-legged of the three breeds descended from Parson ...
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Parson Russell Terriers are a breed known for their lively and devoted nature. They are small to medium-sized dogs with a lot of energy and personality packed ...
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Small, active, and surprisingly speedy, the Parson Jack Russell is a personable dog with a penchant for digging. Learn about this dog breed here.
Looking for Parson Russell Terrier facts? View the breed's average size, weight, temperament, life expectancy, genetic health risks, and more now.
Oct 17, 2022 · The Parson Jack Russell Terrier is a highly energetic breed, but care needs to be taken to ensure that they don't become overweight.
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