Aeneas leaving the city, his friends and ships, seeks the Palatine kingdom, and Evander's house. Unsatisfied he has reached Corythus's furthest cities.
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La locuzione latina Macte animo!, tradotta letteralmente, significa Coraggio! (Virgilio, Eneide, IX, 641). Virgilio con l'Eneide tra Clio e Melpomene (Museo ...
This text is part of: Greek and Roman Materials · Latin Poetry · Latin Texts · Vergil · Vergil, Aeneid. Search the Perseus Catalog for: Editions/ ...
Oct 11, 2019 · Si ritiene derivata dall'Eneide (Libro IX, 641) dove Virgilio scrive "Macte nova virtute, puer, sic itur ad astra". Si tratta della lode e dell' ...
Oct 4, 2023 · ... Eneide, IX, 641 Questa bellissima parola la troviamo in un passo incantevole dell'Eneide: "Macte nova virtute puer, sic itur ad astra ...
After nine days of celebration in honour of the new city the Trojans say their farewells to those staying behind; sacrifices are made, and they sail for Italy.
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L'assaut est inéluctable. Volsques et Rutules tentent d'escalader les murs, mais ils sont repoussés à coup de projectiles par les Troyens.
While thus in distant region moves the war, down to bold Turnus Saturn's daughter sends celestial Iris. In a sacred vale,
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Atque ea diuersa penitus dum parte geruntur, Irim de caelo misit Saturnia Iuno audacem ad Turnum. luco tum forte parentis
Sep 24, 2024 · Forse bisogna ancora ringraziare il Signore. Che ne sapete? Forse Egli vi riserva per qualcosa di utile. Abbiate cuore, e un po' meno paura.