[37] Let us parse verse 25, “Cred' ďo ch'ei credette ch'io credesse” (I think that he was thinking that I thought), more closely.
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And the trunk said: "So thy sweet words allure me, I cannot silent be; and you be vexed not, That I a little to discourse am tempted.
Every modern translator has his theory of translation, and Mr. Lee ... felicities as "lo credo ch' ei credette ch' io credesse" (XIII, 25) are ...
Jan 23, 2020 · it as “Io credo ch'io credetti ch'io credesse”, “I think I thought. that I thought”, thus managing to make the narrator's words more frac ...
The Italian Text with a Translation in English Blank Verse and a Commentary by Courtney Langdon, vol. 1 (Inferno) (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1918).
PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The object of the following Prose Translation is to give the real meaning of Dante as literally and briefly as.
Io sentia d'ogne parte trarre guai e non vedea persona che 'l facesse; per ch'io tutto smarrito m'arrestai. Cred' ďo ch'ei credette ch'io credesse che tante ...
Cred'io ch'ei credette ch'io credesse che tante voci uscisser, tra quei bronchi da gente che per noi si nascondesse. I think he thought that I perhaps might ...
Sep 14, 2005 · ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Dante was a Florentine poet and philosopher who wrote at the end of the Medieval period and the beginning of the ...
THE object of the following Prose Translation is to give the real meaning ofDante as literally and briefly as possible. No single particle has been ...