Lego 31088 Creator Deep Sea Creatures
32,98 USD · Yasuee USA
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Arrivo previsto: 25 gen
Blocks Creator Deep Sea Creatures Explore the seabed in LEGO Creator 3 in 1 31088 Sea creatures. You will find in it a frightening, realistically looking shark with navy blue and white blocks. It has an opening mouth full of sharp teeth, moving fins, movable joints and reflective eyes. To the set there is a movable crab guarding the treasure chest. The LEGO Creator 3 in 1 set allows you to build three different models for fun. Build a shark and a crab, and then rebuild it to a mobile squid or monkfish with a huge jaw and experience further adventures in the deep sea. The LEGO Creator 3 in 1 set allows you to build three different models. Build a shark and crab with the treasure and then rebuild it to a mobile squid or monkfish with a huge jaw. The set of sea creatures consists of a terrifying shark with opened mouth, sharp teeth, moving fins, moving ponds and reflective eyes, and a moving crab guarding the chest with treasure. The shark is made of navy blue and white blocks, which makes it look fantastic. Open the shark's jaw and see what sharp teeth it has. Defend against the predator of a charming crab and its treasure. An additional whale model can be built from the set. Building instructions can be found at The shark is about 8 cm tall, 21 cm long and 9 cm wide. The crab is about 3 cm long and 11 cm wide. The squid is approx. 4 cm high, 18 cm long and 22 cm wide. The anglerfish is approx. 5 cm tall, 14 cm long and 8 cm wide.
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32,98 USD
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Yasuee USA
35,54 USD
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eBay - trh-universe
41,99 USD
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