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Canestrato Pugliese DOP

Canestrato Pugliese DOP

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Canestrato Pugliese DOP - 500 gr.
21.24 $
Canestrato Pugliese DOP - 1 kg.
41.40 $

The pastoral vocation of the territory of the Alta Murgia near Bari has an ancient story which is linked without doubt to the Canestrato pugliese. The name of this cheese derives from the wicker basket in which it reaches maturation. The wicker baskets are a traditional product of the Puglia area. The production of Canestrato is linked to the transhumance practices, to which this cheese owes its diffusion. In modern times the change occurred in 1946 when the local farmers decided to form an association and become a wining team for the future of their farms and the environment in which they operated.
The cheese is usually seasoned for around 90 days, and is fantastic with broad beans, pears, raw vegetables, and accompanied by white wines or rosé. The mature Canestrato pugliese is mainly used as grated cheese to flavour meat based dishes, but is also served with different vegetables such as olives, chicory and sedan. In this case the cheese is well accompanied by red wines such as Cabernet and Chianti.
Hard cheese made from sheep milk
The dough of the Canestraio pugliese is moulded on particular stamps which confer to it its characteristic aspects. Its cylindrical shape has a diameter which varies from 25 to 34 cm; the height is 10 to 14 cm and the weight is of 7 to 14 kg. The crust has a brownish colour is hard and its intensity depends on the period of maturation
The characteristic taste is spicy especially in the mature product and more delicate in the fresh product
Area of production
The area of production includes the entire area of the province of Foggia and numerous districts in the province of Bari
Selling period
All year round

Manufacturer: Canestrato Pugliese

Presidio Slow Food

: Canestrato Pugliese D.O.P.

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Canestrato Pugliese DOP


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