Grey's Anatomy recap: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

A non-fraternization policy puts the couples under a microscope, but doesn't quite stop anything

Photo: Eric McCandless/ABC

Now that was more like it! After last week’s episode, I was a little worried that I was getting too fed up with the vast majority of Grey’s story lines. Other than Jackson and April, just about everyone seemed to be annoying me. But I was pleasantly surprised by what just happened. There was sex, there were great music moments, there was humor, and then there was more sex. Hey, I’m an easy viewer, what can I say? But in all seriousness, this episode felt less rushed and a lot more like the Grey’s I know and love (though I’m still missing my elevator scenes and walkway shots). Let’s dive in!

We started with a Jolex sex scene, which played during a voiceover about cancer. For the first time that I can remember, the voiceover caught me completely off guard. It did not fit in at all with what was happening in Alex’s bedroom, and the only purpose it served was making me terrified that either Alex or Jo had cancer. Don’t worry, I was wrong.

We then caught up with Owen and Emma, who were also getting a little hot and bothered in his (but really Derek’s) airstream. Did I miss something here, because I did not know that they were still together, much less to the point where he knows that she hates camping and they decide to buy a bigger place together. At this point, I was thinking maybe she had cancer. Again, I was wrong with the cancer talk.

Over at the dream house, Derek was trying to pick a tie to wear to meet the president. Blue was a no-go according to Meredith, who didn’t want her husband to be too handsome with his piercing blue eyes. Wait, was she being supportive? Well, to be fair, she did want neurosurgeon Dr. Shepherd to get the job, just not her husband Dr. Shepherd, so she was 50 percent supportive. It was complicated, and so is she. We also learned that the happy couple hadn’t had sex in three weeks, which was only part of Derek’s punishment. How she resists that hair, I have no idea.

In their own dream house, Callie and Arizona were unpacking when Callie gave her wife a beautiful ring. She’s had it inscribed with the date they moved in, to symbolize their new start. Yep, I’m worried they’re trying too hard.

At work, Owen alerted the staff of the new non-fraternization clause. All relationships with coworkers are discouraged, and relationships between superiors and subordinates are prohibited. Hasn’t anyone ever told these people that you always want what you can’t have? All this was doing was somehow managing to increase the sexual tension in this place. Just when I thought I’d seen it all. The best response to this whole thing? Webber asking Hunt, “You’re the panty police, now?” Richard always has been and always will be the best. Also, the panty police might not be a bad idea. Remember this?

NEXT: Drunken sexcapades!

The two patients of the episode were being treated for very different reasons: Rory was a 16-year-old girl who’d already experienced three different types of cancer. Every time she beat one, she’d get another. And then there was a girl who’d been stuck in a trash chute for days and had her leg caught in the compactor. Yeah, that was gross.

Rory’s case was a bit of a mystery, so Richard created an old-fashioned resident challenge! And the competition was made that much more intense by the fact that Jo was convinced that Stephanie filed the complaint to the board, which meant she hated her. Jo felt like she was the only one being affected by the non-fraternization policy, so she ran to talk to Alex. A screaming match quickly erupted with the entire hospital watching. Then, suddenly, Alex told her they were done. And just as I went to scream and rant about how random that was, we realized they’d faked it. Ugh, they’re cute.

After work, the twisted-sisters-turned-complicated-women, Meredith and Cristina, had given up their days of tequila and swapped their shot glasses for wine glasses. Meredith talked about how she enjoyed torturing Derek while Cristina went on and on about how Emma was probably using window treatments and place mats. She said she wanted Owen to be happy, but if he has kids with Emma, that will be the end of them. The divorce was just a piece of paper, but kids? Kid would be final nail in the coffin. You don’t mess with a dad.

Speaking of dads, Derek came home after his interview was canceled. As Cristina put it, “the president dumped him.” So with an unopened bottle of wine in hand, Cristina took a cab to Owen’s. Let me take a brief break here to talk about how much I love drunk Cristina and her “kiss to the girls” hand gestures and whatnot. These people need to drink more often! Okay, back to Owen. Cristina congratulated him on potentially moving in with Emma, but he informed her that Emma wasn’t there tonight. She went in, and the two drank wine and discussed things like how he was making it impossible for her to get laid with this new policy and window valances, because why not? But then he touched her hand, and there might as well have been literal sparks flying. Slowly, she put her arm around him, and then he touched her face. They couldn’t deny their ridiculous chemistry, and so just like that, they joined the episode sexcapades (which currently involved Jolex and Calzona)! I have missed these amazing Cristina-Owen moments! Honestly, their chemistry is out of this world. Also, they’re going to have to move that to the bed. Sex in a trailer is not easy, guys. (Ask Addison.)

The next day at work, Emma found Owen and told him she had something to get off her chest: She wants two or three kids, and she’s going to stop working once she has them in order to raise them until they’re in school. That seemed like it would be Owen’s dream, but a lightbulb seemed to go off when he ran into Derek later. Derek, thinking he didn’t get the White House gig, was talking about how boring regular neurosurgery seemed now that he knew what was out there. Owen, looking at Cristina, realized he had the same problem. At Joe’s that night, he told Emma that they were over. He wants to go home with someone who’s equally as passionate about her work, and Emma plans on, one day, giving up surgery to be with her kids. “I want to come home at night and exchange O.R. stories,” he told her. “We want different things.” FINALLY! So all it took for Owen to drop the kid thing was meeting someone who was actually willing to give them to him?! If I’d known that, I would’ve set him up a lot earlier. Now, go get your woman, Owen!!!

NEXT: Five people, one closet

In one of my favorite moments of the episode, Alex was already sick of hiding his relationship with Jo. But when she pulled him into a closet to talk about it, they found a topless Jackson (my favorite kind) and a topless April. Better yet, Webber walked in on all four of them. God, I love this hospital.

Fed up with her situation, Jo went to Stephanie to tell her that Jackson and April were still together. But surprise! Stephanie didn’t file the complaint. Stupid Leah did. Luckily, Shane was there to inspire everyone with a speech. Yes, Shane. He told them that this job was a privilege and a gift, “and we are squandering it.” They let distractions get in the way of their work, but no more! It was residents to the rescue as they worked together to come up with a plan to save Rory. And they did! Sadly, though, it was too late. Rory had bled out. The good (but really horrible) news: Rory’s sister had the same gene, so at least their research could potentially save her life. On a musical note: The version of “Man in the Mirror” that was playing during all of this gave me chills. These are the music moments we love you for, Grey’s! And while I’m on the topic, that version of “Don’t You Want Me” was also pretty great.

In a meeting with the board, Alex lost his cool. He refused to be punished for kissing his girlfriend at the place that was built “on all of you feeling each other up in an on-call room.” He does have a point, and I get that they basically live at the hospital, but was it just me, or did not acting affectionate at work not seem like a big deal? They told him they could still do whatever outside of work, so why is it a big deal? I guess it’s different when they spend all their time at the hospital.

Regardless, there was one couple this new policy wouldn’t affect no matter what. Finally, April and Jackson told the board that they couldn’t be in trouble, because they had gotten married the day of the wedding — April’s other wedding. Congratulations and one dirty look from Jo followed.

From one cute couple to the next, Bailey let Ben go play with his friends, a.k.a. the other residents at Joe’s after work, and Derek and Meredith? Well, it’s complicated (but at least it’s sexy). McDreamy got a call from the White House. They wanted him on the advisory board to run this new project. And although Meredith was happy for him, she can’t take her career to the next level while he runs a project. But instead of fighting about it — thank God — Meredith gave in to those piercing blue eyes and that perfect head of hair. They had sex because three weeks is simply too long to go without it. Plus, she finds presidential appointments sexy. Who doesn’t?! They agreed to fight, you know, after.

So what are your thoughts on the episode? Were you as pleasantly surprised with how much you liked the couples? I even found the residents more enjoyable this week. Ben’s a great addition, and the group as a whole had a better chemistry about it (though I still want Leah gone). And are you as worried about Calzona as I am? Most importantly, how long until Dr. Burke shows his face around these halls?! Sound off in the comments!

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