Gotham Zoo Elite

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dannyro19, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Dannyro19 Active Player

    Playing Zoo elite as my tank and I've done this a bunch of times, but somehow I died twice at the last boss which really pissed off someone in the group. I'm a fire tank at 262 cr with 250 sp. Yes I know I should not be dying which is completely my fault. Someone kept yelling at me to learn the mechanics but I've read about it and watched videos but I don't know what was hitting me or one shotting me. Can someone tell me briefly what the proper mechanics are in zoo elite or what I didn't see that was killing me?
    Much appreciated.
  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Do you remember what your combat log said, or do you have a video ?
  3. Dannyro19 Active Player

    Unfortunately I do not.
  4. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Did you fail to move out of the gas when Talia went into stealth?
  5. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Only one thing in the final fight can "one-shot" you. Talia's Stealth Attack. It technically does not one-shot you but the damage comes in at a very rapid pace if you do not move out of the gas. When the warning message pops up on screen that Talia has stealthed that means to get your butt away from her (no matter CR or role). She unleashes a gas attack that is AoE and will melt the health off any player. Hope that helps man.

    By the way, don't get discouraged about dying to a mechanic you are not aware of. When I came back to the game last year I had never run Zoo Elite as the raid came out during my 10 month break from the game. I got obliterated by the mechanics in that raid as I had zero clue what they were on my first play through. lol. Iconic Man-Bats in the second boss fight insta-killed me as I was not aware they would truly one-shot a player regardless of role, stats, or CR. It was quite embarrassing to say the least. lol.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The gas....gotta roll out of it. I'm Fire and have tanked it and while you might try and block or heal through it, you will fail most often. The thing that sucks is with all the animations going off around you, it's easy to miss for a few seconds, especially if you are trying to corral Saboteurs or Ninjas.

  7. Yaiba Committed Player

    Talia but she rarely targets tank, maybe you're just unlucky. About the gas, tbh I don't see any of it (maybe because I play with lowest setting), I just follow my heart :p, if I see adds, I roll away. My advice is always move in that fight, don't be a turtle tank or you will get rekt :p.
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  8. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Probs Talia Fart lol
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You have to keep moving in that raid. The gas is difficult to see, 9 times out of 10 that's what kills tanks.
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  10. Dannyro19 Active Player

    Got it. Thanks all that was a big help. It had to be the gas because I had all the adds, Talia, and Claw right near me. I appreciate this thank you. I didn't even see the gas.
  11. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Glad I read this thread, I was wondering what was killing me last night. I take 2 years off and all of a sudden I'm a bad tank because no one tells me the mechanics even though I specifically told them it was my first time running the content and asked are there any mechanics or one bangs I need to know about.
  12. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Most likely someone got mind controlled and used a supercharge on you.
  13. tinoman Dedicated Player

    You can also get one shot from any players strong sc. Oblivon will wipe a group.
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Ive actually found player supercharges to be inconsistent in that regard, i have seen it happen, but then other times ive seen and even personally been hit by oblivion and have it do next to no damage at all.

    It's more than likely the gas and not a player that killed the op.
  15. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    There are three to be aware of... Big Gun (Munitions), Oblivion (Quantum), and Bunker Buster (Gadgets). Most of the others, while they will put a hurt on you, will not one-shot you... and those three will one-shot you if you are not at or near max health at the time it's fired.
  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    most likely u got hit by talia's skull attack as the furtherst person away, its elite and the damage of skull attacks are % based, so ur cr wont matter much.
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  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    a Supercharge can be excluded since they arent used anylonger while mind-controlled.
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I thought they could use a SC while mind controlled, it just doesn't use up your SC points.
  19. AV Loyal Player

    There's a really good chance they didn't/don't actually know what the mechanics are. It's very hard to find details online for newer raids, the regular raid versions don't teach us anything, and the tank experience is pretty different from everyone else's. Zoo is especially annoying because the things that kill you are often a lot more subtle and more poorly telegraphed than in any other raid. If someone didn't run the raid when it was new, when it was 100% critical to know all of the mechanics to a tee, it gets harder to learn the fights.
  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

    no its not possible, a SC ability to be used needs superchargepoints to be spend.
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