Built to Kill (Part 2)

"Built to Kill (Part 2)"
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Episode


This episode continues from Built to Kill (Part 1)

Catherine’s father, Sam Braun , is killed in an act of revenge for being the percieved cause of another investors suicide. Before Sam’s death, his killers make Catherine believe she’s been raped, and hold her daughter for ransom. Sam’s killer is, in turn, killed by Sam’s bodyguards.

Rock star Izzy Delancy has been killed by a blow to the head, and an identical miniature of the crime scene has been left behind. While everyone in the family wants to blame each other, neither Izzy’s wife, ex-wife, son or nanny committed the crime. The case is unsolved, and Grissom stays in his office, inspecting the miniature.


While Grissom and Sara are alone at the Delancy crime scene, there’s considerable banter between the two, continuing the level of intimacy demonstrated in the last two episodes. Even after Sara leaves the case to help Catherine, she returns to talk with Grissom on the case.

Conrad Ecklie asks them about releasing information on the miniature to the media, but Grissom says no. Ecklie mutters ‘Of course you do’ when Sara says she agrees with Grissom. After Ecklie leaves, Sara and Grissom exchange looks, and Sara shakes her head – this may or may not imply that Ecklie is unaware of their relationship.


  • Sara is willing to help Catherine out, regardless of any past animosity, and does not betray her confidence.
  • Sara seems confident that Ecklie is unaware of her relationship with Grissom.


Sara: I think Malibu Barbie did it.

Sara: I’ve never heard of him.
Grissom: Probably before your time.
Sara: I’ll download it.


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