Everything you missed in ‘The Mentalist: Red Hair And Silver Tape ’

 For years and years I used to waste my time binge watching series and overthinking about every little detail until I realized…I might not be the only one.

Hi there, my lovely fictophiles!!

I know what you are thinking! Well, that’s exactly the kind of thing Patrick would say but no, really, I know what you’re thinking. I understand you might have been expecting something a little more mid-season ’cause hell, if we are going to cover every episode then it will be a decade before we reach the end. Therefore, since the series is too long, we will be picking multiple episodes together unless it’s a Red John episode or an important episode.

It’s impressive that in the second episode of the series we have psychopathic killers. We shall also establish some trends in the series from this point onwards which makes it critical in understanding the overall development of the story hence this detailed analysis. That being said, why waste time? Let’s slam a quick spoiler alert right here and pick up our looking glasses because it’s time to look deeper into: The Mentalist S01E02 .

Can we go back to the name of the episode again? ‘Red Hair And Silver Tape.’ Well, while we are at it, let’s check the names of all the episodes in season 1.

Look at that every single one of them either begins from ‘red’ or has ‘red’ somewhere in the name of the episode. This goes on till season 6. But why is that? Well, two reasons. First, it’s always a reference to something in the episode. Sometimes literal, sometimes metaphorical. In this case, ‘Red Hair And Silver Tape ’ is a clear reference to the M.O. of the murderers. With ‘red tide’, its metaphorical, just a normal-colored tide washes up a dead body and becomes a harbinger of death, therefore, red tide.

 Second and the most important reason, it’s a very sweet reference to Red John. Just like every episode’s name has red somewhere in there, Patrick’s mind has Red John somewhere in there. With some episodes, he will have Red John in the foreground of his mind, with some it will be in the background but as long as Red John is living and free, Patrick cannot stop thinking about him. I also really appreciate how beautifully they have portrayed this thought. Throughout the series at many, many occasions, the background always has something red and it’s definitely intended because when you’re watching a crime scene from Patrick’s eyes, you are practically in his mind. And his mind always have Red John somewhere in the background.

Red Hair and Silver Tape is the perfect depiction of this idea. Not only do we see Red John’s letter and smiley again but also notice how this episode is filled with red. Red tractor, red restaurant décor and red/orange dresses for everyone (except Melanie and Raquel).

Well, the episode starts with the definition of mentalist. That is again a trend they will follow for the first season but obviously, it’s not without reason. Basically, Patrick keeps on telling us that he is not a psychic. That he only pretended to be one but then, he can tell that the favorite color of June Tolliver is blue, even though he has never met her before. So if he is not a psychic then what is he? What can we call him? The answer is ‘mentalist’. Well Patrick definitely has a sharp observant mind, and only by paying close attention to details does he manage to deduce what he deduces about people. This episode is appreciable also because we see him using all aspects of this definition. He uses “mental acuity” to deduce that the death of Melanie was from a sexual motive and he uses hypnotic suggestion to get the name of her boyfriend from Raquel. He also manipulates Randall into confessing about the sorry note and manages to hold of two psychopathic killer by manipulating their thoughts and making them believe they are cornered.

As soon as the episode we are introduced to another important minor character, the sheriff of Napa County, Thomas McAllister. You are not told the name yet, just like with Bert Partridge, but well, giving relevant spoilers is what I am here for. He is pretty cooperative with Lisbon’s team, cracks a corny joke about dead people and seems a little annoyed at Patrick. He asks him if he has psychic powers to which Patrick says there is no such thing as psychic powers. Then they play rock, paper, scissors and Patrick wins every time. Honestly, I wanna know how he did that. It’s such a fun trick! Even Lisbon smiles!!! Also, Napa in itself, is a very important location. We will be told more about it later in the series, but for now, Napa and Thomas McAllister: hold on to these to these clues for me. I’ll come back to them later in the series.

So, the victim of this episode is Melanie O’Keefe. Well, Patrick knows that this is an accidental murder done by a local because well, if the killer had intended her to die then why would they spend time taping her. And why else would they keep her tied and quiet if they were not planning on abducting her, most possibly for a sexual motive.

Patrick knows Melanie had a lover, because she takes her posters down after Christmas, has a man cutout from a Christmas carnival photo and she wasn’t wearing her purity ring when she died. And why would you not have even a single photo of the guy you are in a relationship with, unless it’s too closely related to your family or it’s too villainous to be a part of.

Next we see the beautiful Shand Creek Restaurant as Lisbon walks up to Patrick’s table. While she has been busy investigating, Patrick has been enjoying the chef’s specials. Meanwhile he also discovers that Malcom, the chef, uses way too much butter in his dishes. At this point though, he doesn’t think too much about it but later when he meets Hector, he starts thinking.

See the thing is, at that night, only the sheriff, Randall, Hector and the Shand Creek staff was there and if you look carefully at the timeline , you will realize that Melanie could have been abducted and killed between 2325 and 2342. This puts Randall and Hector out of doubt, only leaving the 20 chefs that night, including Malcom, who were there at that time and could have done it. This is why, just after meeting Hector, Patrick thinks of this elaborate theatrical plan to flush out the killer while being a matchmaker for Rigsby. I have to appreciate this. I mean, this is just sweet. We have seen Patrick using drama to solve the case, but this is definitely intended. He sets up Rigsby with the woman he likes while trying to bait the killer, yes, but still, he gets Rigsby a date with Van Pelt! That is just adorable.

Also note, unlike the first episode where Patrick knows everything already, he realizes that there is no time because of Lisbon so, in a way, they catch the killers because of each other.

Although, you should know he never suspected Sandra to be a part of it. He suspected Malcom. Malcom said “there’s no shame in that. It’s the greatest thing about food, it’s indulgence and necessity all in one.” Which tells us that he isn’t ashamed to hide his desires and he isn’t afraid to go after something if that is what he wants. Sandra never did anything that suspicious. She was a better psychopath. See, all good psychopaths, including Red John, have a great sense of theater. They spend most of their lives acting like a person who doesn’t seem capable or anywhere involved with a murder. This act is their most reliable cover and most of them maintain it diligently. Well, and isn’t it surprising that the first episode we deal with psychopathic murders is also the first episode where we learn to link the red symbols with our lead psychopath, Red John? Again, it’s all intentional.  

Another reason why Patrick never suspects Sandra could also be because the motel owner mentions that it was a man who came to book the room. Plus there was the sexual motive. I mean it really was a surprise that Sandra liked to see Malcom assaulting and killing women. That is just horrible. I guess, just a way for the series to tell us that there are all kinds of people . A really dark message but awfully true.

Patrick, definitely, was a little unsure about Malcom later too though. When Lisbon told him that they found Melanie’s blood on Hector’s car seat, his mind did waver for a minute but hearing hector’s version of the story he knew that there is no one except Malcom who could have done this. After Randall made a pass at Melanie, she would have wanted to go away from the parking lot but she could not leave because she was supposed to meet Hector, so she must have gone to the washroom to freshen up where Malcom had the opportunity to abduct her.

Patrick made an impeccable plan, well but Thomas McAllister messed it up. Remember the Shand Creek van that pulled up on the road from behind Van Pelt but drove away? Well if your target is talking to a sheriff, you can’t just simply abduct them, right? But since the maid was scheduled for the next day it had to be done today so they found another girl and while Lisbon was taking a call we see Shand Creek’s van pull up.  

The moment he hears Sandra, realization dawns upon him and he quickly shoots a text to Lisbon before he is discovered. I kind of like how, throughout the series, Patrick is mostly a damsel in distress and Lisbon is the knight in shining armor. All the women for that matter are written as strong characters, another reason to compliment Bruno Heller’s screenwriting.

I also want to comment on how Rigsby just rushes to throw McAllister off of Van Pelt just as he thinks that she’s in trouble. That was a legit awwww moment. Although Van Pelt didn’t need any protection. She could have handled it herself but the fact that he wanted to protect her shows how much he truly cares about her.

We also have to acknowledge the way Patrick counsels little Frankie. We are reminded of his past again as he tells Frankie how being made to feel sorry is a far worse punishment than being dead and that right there is one of the saddest and truest statement he has ever said.

We also get to witness Patrick’s theater all the more again, when he manipulates Randall into confessing with his dramatic, elaborate speech. I mean, Randall passed out! He also manipulated both Sandra and Malcom to believe that they have been cornered and surprisingly managed to hold them off till Lisbon arrived and shot them. He is undoubtedly a “master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.” A perfect “mentalist” as proven by the episode.

Okay, so to sum it all up, with this episode, we have clearly established Patrick’s identity as a mentalist and not a psychic. We saw him using hypnotic suggestion for the first time. We were allowed a refresher into his horrible past and had our first glimpse at Napa.  We have also understood why all the episode names till six seasons would have red/imply the color red. We also now know that we are supposed to associate all the red symbols in the background with red john being in the background of Patrick’s mind. We met Thomas McAllister. We dealt with two psychopathic killers. And Rigsby and Van Pelt went on their first date! Although, it did ended with a slap and poorly screamed “I hate you,” but, well.

I have skipped a detail or two because I just can’t discuss that with you yet. If I do that now then I’ll ruin the whole series for you so for now I need you to remember the trends we have established and we will come back to this once we reach season 6. Okay? Good.

So with that, I am done. Tell me what else did you see and what you think about the series till now. I would love to hear back from you! Remember this is a discussion. You need to tell me your opinions too.  

Until then,

Bella ciao!

8 thoughts on “Everything you missed in ‘The Mentalist: Red Hair And Silver Tape ’

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  1. I have read this blog and really enjoy it. I do have a couple of questions. I can only find blogs up through about the first 5 episodes of season 2. I REALLY hope you didn’t stop there. If yes. . . please let me know because I have been searching.
    I don’t believe you have mentioned this. . . Patrick almost always has both hands in his pockets – – especially when at a crime scene and at the victim’s home etc – – but many other times. It make sense sometimes to not leave fingerprint etc. . . but he touches a lot at crime scenes the he puts his hands back in his pocket.
    I also enjoy some of the on the side comments you make…. about how wounded Patrick is, his fondness for children because he lost his daughter, etc. I would like you to comment about when Patrick hugs people. Do you think that in general – – especially when it is inappropriate – – it looks like he sometimes what to knock them off balance but not always. And, the people he hugs (like he was a little boy) are often uncomfortable or confused about the hug.
    I really think some of Patrick’s behavior is his search for redemption. He is very kind and goes out of his way for children and women that have been hurt. It is a little like “I should have done this for my family” kind of thing. Redemption.

    This rambles a little . . . sorry

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Charlotte,
      I am not ashamed to admit that your comment made me cry! Thank you so much for writing this.
      Yes, I did stop writing for about 2 years. Things have been tough with COVID. But your comment reminded me of why I loved the show and why I started this blog back in the day. Reading this, inspired me. So I am gonna get back to Jane and re-start the blog. You will hear from me soon and I cannot thank you enough for kickstarting this blog again.
      And yes, you make an interesting point about his hands in the pocket. I think that is not related to the evidence, I think it’s more about a thing that adds to his aura. Like he can figure everything out from just one look, he does not even need to touch and inspect to understand. I think that him not using his hands is a troupe that is supposed to help us become more aware of his superior understanding of people.
      I also agree with you about his hugs. I think he uses hugs very strategically. Like in the first episode, he hugs to keep take out the keycard from the Doctor’s pocket. I think the only time I ever saw him genuinely hugging someone was when he hugs Lisbon and his old psychiatrist. He is careful about his hugs in general.
      Yess, I do agree with the angle of redemption. He is after all looking for redemption with his quest for Red John. I love how you were able to notice these things that I left out.
      I would love to hear more from you, like please feel free to let me know if there are other things that you noticed.
      And I never mind the rambling. This blog is a space made for ramblers like us, so never apologize for that :)!

      P.S. Your comment made my day, and inspired me to re-start my blog and I cannot thank you enough for that. I posted a story onthe instagram page I have for this blog and I would love to tag you or give you a shout out! Thanks again, and I will write another one of these soon!


      1. Okay, so your note back to me made my day too. I am just a little teary eyed at this very moment. The Mentalist is on re-runs on Lifetime TV. I watched it when it first came out in the late 2000s and loved it then but was busy with work. NOW that I have a DVR and can watch episode after episode — you can really see how complex the stories are and how broken Patrick is. My heart just goes out to him. I also REALLY appreciate how the CBI forms a family around him…. annoyed by his antics but loving him anyway. I wonder a little if it is his brokenness that helps with this. . . he is a little like a sad puppy. And. . . who doesn’t just love puppies???

        Anyway, realizing how complex this thing is . . . I started taking notes on what happened and maybe why it happened. I re-watched Red Dawn last night and paid special attention to Van Pelts comments to Patrick about if his wife and child are looking down on him . . . and it did hurt him. This comment from Van Pelt may have made him far more open to the ending when the Psychic tells him what his wife told her to tell him. — Later when they date for a little while — that is nice. You may regret your request for my opinion. . . i am all fired up about this program — almost to obsession. And, getting a chance to share this obsession with someone with the same obsession is such an opportunity. I am ecstatic — .

        The following is a list of things I decided to look for in episodes. The question about Alice in Wonderland… and The Wizard of Oz come from my experience with the Star-gate series…. where the Wizard of Oz was referenced often. . . and I was going to look out for something like that with the Mentalist.
        1. How often does it seem that Jane is extra kind to a victim for the sake of redemption?
        2. Why does Jane always have his hands in his pockets?. . . . Always
        3. If we are looking at a flash back. . . is Jane always dressed well?
        4. Is there ever a child he doesn’t like?
        5. Jane wonders off a lot – looking around.
        6. How often and why does Jane hug people? (when he gets what he wants…
        7. Are all of Red John’s people linked to enforcement??? 1/11 Rich guy says he knows who Red John is (not enforcement), 1/23 Local cop tries to capture Patrick for Red John, Bosco, and his secretary Rebecca, Forensics investigator (Brett Partridge) —
        8. The Blake Association is a secret criminal organization founded and formerly led by Red John which involves members of multiple federal, state and local government agencies within the California area.
        9. How often is the Wizard of Oz referenced? 1/11 Lisbon is the Good witch, Patrick is Dorothy
        10. How often is Alice in wonderland referenced? ??? The one where Jane sees his daughter Charlotte.
        11. Does Lisbon ever use what she knows about Jane against him — in an argument or in some other way?

        I want to stop here — but your email has made my day. This has become important to me as a form of “escapism” and to share it will be great. One suggestion. . . would you number your blogs (something Blog #1– season 1) so if they are listed in a group of your blogs they can be read in the correct order without referring back to the list of all of the Mentalist — and if you stick with your Blog Plan to continue it will aid you if you need to refer back {See Blog 3 Season 7}. You are doing a great job and saw a lot of things I didn’t see — but I am now looking for. I will probably have to re-watch some of the critical episodes — just to confirm. I did not notice the color red within the episodes. . . I did notice the constant reference to Red in some form in the episode titles.

        Truly looking forward to hearing from you and sharing what appears our obsession.


      2. Okay I love the sad puppy analogy!! It’s so accurate lmao 😂😂😂
        And yes, I think part of why CBI becomes a family is because of Jane’s antics. His antics provide an opportunity for all of them to bond. Which is why when Jane leaves the CBI, the CBI also breaks down.
        I would love to reflect upon all the pointers that you have mentioned and I will number them in the same way that you have:
        1. The first time I remember him being extra kind is in season 1 when he takes that kid out for an ice-cream. I think Jane’s kindness or empathy grows stronger around children. Children of any age make him go out of his way. The second time I remember him being kind is when he returned the baby in season 1 to the parents. Then there was also a time when he donated all the money he won in the casino to a charity for children.
        2. I think it is a reflection of how he is in command of the crime scene. As if sight is enough for him, he does not even need to use his other senses. But then it could also be a refelction of his reserved nature.
        3. I did not pay attention to any differences in his outfits during the flashbacks and in present times. But now that you have mentiones it, I would pay extra attention.
        4. I don’t think there is a child in the series that Jane doesn’t get along with. Which makes my heart ache for him even more. This man is a father without a kid I swear to God.
        5. Yess, sometimes he wanders off because he thinks it would help the case or because he is following a hunch but otherwise he does it because it is fun. This is one of the things that makes his character so enjoyable.
        6. I will be on the lookout for more hugs so that we can definitively decode if there are any more possible meanings.
        7. Yes actually most of the Red John associates were linked to law enforcement. I think Patrick understood that which is why he insisted on becoming a consultant for CBI after his re-appearance.
        8. Hmm, I would have to take a note of this one and then respond to you about this.
        9. I would love it if you could explain the Wizard of Oz thing to me. Why are Wizard of Oz references important?
        10. Also this one. Why are Alice in the Wonderland references important? Interestingly, in that episode, Jane is hallucinating, Just like Alice is supposed to be dreaming of the wonderland. Both Wizard of Oz and Alice in the Wonderland have magical elements, which can be an allegory to Jane’s psychic abilities.
        11. I don’t think so. I think that is probably why Jane trusts her so much.

        Yess, absolutely. I would definitely follow up on your suggestion. And I am so glad to have heard from you. Jane is the reason why I started this blog and talking about him or discussing him is something that will never tire me. so you can feel free to ramble on as much as you wish to. You can write as much as you want and I would never mind reading it!!❤️❤️


      3. I am back. . . having someone to share this with is affirming because I have someone to share my thoughts with.

        Just reading through something I wrote on episode #1 and remembering other episodes I looked at. . . The way Patrick dresses when he was a professional Psychic.When he was a professional — he was really well groomed (shiny suits) but after his wife is killed Patrick seems to be in more natural fabrics ones that wrinkle easily so he always looks messy. Never as messy as he does in episode 5 season 5. . . Red Dawn which is the first time Jane met Lisbon. And, as the episode moves on he gets tidier and tidier but not truly well groomed. Remember Lisbon tells him he is a mess. His state of dress may be an indication of how messed up he is. I need to re-look at Fugue in Red S4/E10 to see how well dressed he is after he loses his memory and reverts to con-man. But if he is well groomed. . . . In Blue Bird S6/E22 he was about to loose Lisbon for ever and again he looked a mess when he got on the plane to profess his love to her and is again extra wrinkled and sloppy. Another indication of his mental and emotional health may be linked to how poorly he is dressed at any one time. What do you think?


        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh absolutely! Like the series has always been so involved with symbols and metaphors and clothes are always one of the major things that give an insight into Patrick’s mind. They also use red clothes sometimes if they do not have anything red in the background because the color red always needs to be somewhere on the screen because of the impact Red John has left on Patrick.
        His clothes being a mess is definitely a sign of him being on the verge of a breakdown. I was going to use this on my future blogs somewhere. Now, whenever I do, I will give you credit too! 🙂


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