Making Tiny Labels to Sew into Tiny Clothes


I make things.  Whether it’s a set of drapes for my family room (which, btw, I do not enjoy doing) or a very small dress, or a box to store stuff in, it’s what I do.  Sometimes it doesn’t make sense.  I admit that.  Sometimes it would be the wiser thing, the more cost effective thing, to just buy something already made.  But that would be easy…  I would be cheating myself of the experience of learning how to do something….I mean, why spend $25 to buy a set of custom made labels when I could spend two days and $30 doing it myself?  So that’s what I decided to do. I would make labels to sew into the tiny clothes I make… Continue reading

Summer-y Ensembles for Little Darlings….


Well, my friends, it is the end of June.  We are now over half way to Christmas!  Are you getting ready?  Only 177 days to go….Just kidding.  I’m still reeling that it’s almost time for the 4th of July.  July?!?  Didn’t we just have Father’s Day?  When did life get so fast?

Sorry for the blabbering.  I’ve actually been happily sewing some bright and summery outfits for the Little Darlings.  They are so fun to sew for.  And they are the cutest models, too!  I hope you’ll enjoy what I’ve come up with!  And FYI, they are currently listed in my Etsy shop, Matilda Pink.


Just thought I’d add a quick close up of the first Little Darling in my collection.  She was painted by Gwen Peard.  She is wearing a pink and orange cotton shift dress.  It definitely has a mod edge to it.  I’d kind of like to make one for me!

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Little coats for Mamzelle de Paris


Salut mes amis!  Here’s a quick update on a few things that have been going on in the world of Matilda Pink.  The sweetest thing was an article by the wonderful Ian Price in FDQ magazine.  If you can’t find the magazine at your local bookstore, check them out here.   For vintage doll lovers like me, you’ll immediately appreciate Francie on the cover.  And it gets better!  This issue also introduces Anouk, a new fashion muse with vintage style.  And for my fellow Blythe enthusiasts, Dolly Treasures, the Instagram Superstar, is also featured.  Doll friends, you MUST see it!

Now, as far as what I’ve been sewing…..well, not as much as I want to!  There are a few new items for Mamzelle de Paris in my esty shop.  And before that, there was a very fun project for a dear friend, but I don’t have any of my own photos, so that story will have to wait!


We need some boys around here!

DSCN3657It’s time for spring!  If you aren’t seeing tangible signs of the new season where you are, maybe you’ve been finding catalogs for fresh, warm weather clothes in your mailbox (so old school!).  Some of the preppy looks from Vineyard Vine’s latest ‘look book’ landed on my kitchen table and inspired me to dress my Little Darlings accordingly.  But instead of dresses, I decided we needed some spiffy boy ensembles to celebrate the warmer days ahead.  After investing in some new Monique wigs (these are the Johnny wigs by Monique, if you’re curious) my Little Darlings were darling little boys, ready for some Easter outfits! Continue reading

Flying the friendly skies….vintage doll style


There is a certain romance about air travel ‘back in the day’.  Flying anywhere was a precious experience and passengers dressed with more concern for style and propriety than comfort.  No one took that idea more seriously than the flight crew. Could there have been anyone more glamorous than a stewardess?  I remember my first flight, when I was only four years old.  I can’t confirm any of my memories, but there are some things which left indelible marks on my psyche.  The smell of jet fuel, for one thing, takes me right back. One whiff and I’m four years old ready to embark on a thrilling adventure.  And the smell of the waxy crayons they gave my brother and me to scribble with has been forever linked with a memory of flight.  But one of my best memories is of the absolutely stunning stewardesses.  I had never seen women so beautiful in my short life until then.  For years I would imagine that nothing could be better than to grow up and become one.

Things have changed, obviously.  For one thing, don’t bother to correct me about ‘flight attendant’ being a more appropriate term.  I get it.  But what I have done recently was revived my old fondness for the stewardess of way-back-when and paired it with my passion for vintage dolls.  I hope that you’ll like what you see.   Continue reading

The latest outfit…..

The sketch

The sketch


So here’s another inside look at how I get things done.  I wanted to make a preppy school outfit for the Little Darlings doll, and this is where I started.  A few things changed along the way, but hopefully the spirit of the thing remained.  Oh, and check out the tiny hanger taped to the page in the upper right hand corner.  My husband made that while he was on a conference call.  Totally random, I know….. Continue reading

Wig Weekend

Chocolate Brown mohair wig

Chocolate Brown mohair wig

Dianna Effner’s Little Darlings dolls are precious, and I would LOVE to have a dozen of them, but since that’s never going to happen, I have decided that having a little wardrobe of wigs for them is the next best thing.  I can have a brunette, a red head, a blonde, a pinkie, all with the switch of a wig.  Oh, how fun.  I’ve been collecting a nice little stash of Monique wigs over the last couple of years, but this weekend I decided to try my hand at wig making.  I stumbled upon  this amazing website loaded with lots of fun tutorials, and found a very simple pattern for making doll wigs.  Check out Antique Lilac and see all the wonderful (and FREE!) information Martha Boers has generously made available to the world…. Continue reading

First Day of School for Dianna Effner’s Little Darlings


Ah, the first day of school.  I remember spending way too much time choosing my outfit for that occasion, and I have to admit that I’m pretty happy that those days of my life are long (long) behind me.  I thought it would be fun, however, to celebrate the back-to-school season with a couple of outfits for Dianna Effner’s Little Darlings doll.  I’m letting you in on my secret sketch book, so that you can see how my designs begin.  There are always changes along the way, so what I end up with is sometimes not exactly how the idea started.  Check out the end result….. Continue reading

Dianna Effner’s Little Darlings! Such Sweetness!

The new Matilda Pink

The new Matilda Pink


Last month, a friend and I attended the International Doll Show in Asheville, NC.  What a treat!  There was lots of eye candy and I could have lingered over the tables all day long.  There were so many gorgeous dolls and so many talented doll artists attending this show!   Unfortunately, the show was scheduled over the Father’s Day weekend, and I think that may have negatively impacted attendance to the event.  I hope that the organizers and exhibiters will give next year another try  because I’d love to go again!

Anyway, it was at IDS that I discovered this lovely girl.   Many of you might already be familiar with Dianna Effner’s Little Darlings dolls.  This particular doll features the newest face sculpt in this series, and I love her!  I found this fabulous wig (I think it’s by Michelle Hardy) at Berdine Creedy’s booth and my new mascot was born!  Meet the new Matilda Pink!  Finally, the name of my blog has a face to it!

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Talita by Berdine Creedy

Talita by Berdine Creedy, shop exclusive at Fabric Friends and Dolls

Talita by Berdine Creedy, shop exclusive at Fabric Friends & Dolls

The weather has been pretty miserable in much of the US lately, but our hearts yearn for spring!  My latest project for Berdine Creedy was to dress this adorable girl in spring-like shades of blue and violet, with a flower thrown in here and there.  Talita is available in tan and light tan skin tones.  Don’t you just love her sweet face?!?  I’m a sucker for big, soulful eyes, and this girl has them! Continue reading