Winter Is Coming: A Jaw-Dropping Summary of ‘A Game of Thrones’ by George R.R. Martin

Eldric Thotwright
5 min readJul 24, 2023

The first novel in George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, “A Game of Thrones,” introduces readers to the complicated, intrigue-filled world of Westeros. The plot unfolds from several characters’ points of view, producing a fascinating tapestry of connected storylines.

In the North and at the Wall (Get The Book here!!)

The story begins in the northernmost area of Westeros, where the Stark dynasty lords over Winterfell. The Warden of the North, Eddard ‘Ned’ Stark, executes a deserter from the Night’s Watch, a group of soldiers who guard the Wall, a gigantic ice barrier that protects the Seven Kingdoms from the unknown and terrible perils beyond. On their journey back, they come upon a dead direwolf, a beast from beyond the Wall, and her six puppies, which they adopt.

Jon Snow, Ned’s illegitimate son, joins the Night’s Watch at the Wall. He meets a frightened child named Samwell Tarly, and the two vow to protect the realms of men from the unknown threats beyond the Wall. The Watch faces many challenges, including undead ‘wights,’ increasing concerns about the long-forgotten White Walkers’ return.

In the Capital and the Riverlands

Kings Landing From the / Site. All Credit to them.

When Ned’s old friend, King Robert Baratheon, visits Winterfell and asks him to be his Hand (the King’s chief counselor), he hesitantly agrees. Catelyn, Ned’s wife, receives a message accusing the Lannisters, Queen Cersei’s family, of murdering the former Hand, Jon Arryn. Thus begins Ned’s investigation into Jon Arryn’s killing and probable treachery by the Lannisters.

Sansa and Arya, Ned’s daughters, accompany him to King’s Landing. Sansa, who is engaged to Prince Joffrey, is fascinated with the possibility of becoming queen, whereas the tomboyish Arya despises court politics and social graces.

Meanwhile, Catelyn investigates and arrests Tyrion Lannister, whom she suspects is responsible for the assassination attempt on Bran, Ned’s son who fell from a tower under unexplained circumstances. This sets off a chain of violent retaliation, culminating in the War of the Five Kings.

Across the Narrow Sea: Go ahead, you know you want to buy the book :)

We meet the exiled Targaryens across the Narrow Sea on the continent of Essos. Daenerys, a young princess, is married off to Khal Drogo, a warlord of the nomadic Dothraki, by her domineering brother Viserys, in order to gain an army to reclaim the throne of Westeros. Daenerys, who is initially hesitant, evolves into a powerful and revered Khaleesi, or ruler. Drogo murders Viserys as he threatens Daenerys, leaving Daenerys as the last Targaryen.

By the end of the first part, Ned Stark has found that King Robert’s children are not his, but the result of Cersei and her twin brother Jaime Lannister’s incestuous relationship. Before revealing the truth to King Robert, Ned confronts Cersei and urges her to depart. However, before Ned can act, Robert is killed in a hunting accident orchestrated by Cersei. The game of thrones has turned deadly with Robert’s death and Ned’s incarceration for treason.

The Fall of the Starks

All credit due to

With King Robert dead, his eldest “son” Joffrey ascends to the throne. Ned attempts to grab power in order to assure Robert’s brother Stannis’ rightful succession, but is betrayed by his ally Petyr Baelish. The Lannisters kidnap Ned and take Sansa as a captive. Arya, on the other hand, manages to flee the castle.

Despite Ned’s treasonous confession, made in a desperate attempt to protect Sansa, Joffrey orders his execution, breaching a promise to spare Ned’s life. This event, witnessed by both Arya and Sansa, is a watershed moment in their lives and the wider plot. Arya flees the city, while Sansa remains a virtual prisoner of the Lannisters, who want to utilize her in their political maneuverings.

War and Chaos

The execution of Ned Stark sparks a war between Westeros’ principal families. Robb Stark, his eldest son, is declared “King in the North” by his bannermen, signaling a break from the Seven Kingdoms. Robb proves to be a superb military tactician, leading the Lannisters to key triumphs. Meanwhile, Catelyn secures an alliance with the powerful House Tully — her native home — by agreeing to a marriage contract between Robb and a Frey daughter.

In the east, Tyrion Lannister, framed by Catelyn for the attempted murder of Bran, is released from incarceration in the Eyrie by Lady Lysa Arryn following a combat trial. Tyrion returns to his father Tywin and swiftly establishes himself as a strategic asset in the continuing conflict.

Daenerys’s Rise

Dramatic changes occur in Daenerys’ journey across the sea. Daenerys’ situation appears to be dire with the death of her husband Drogo due to a wound infection and the subsequent disbanding of his khalasar. In a desperate gesture of grief and determination, she marches onto Drogo’s funeral pyre with three petrified dragon eggs, bridal gifts.

Daenerys emerges from the fire unhurt, accompanied by three newly hatched dragons, the first seen in millennia. This breathtaking incident establishes Daenerys as a key role in the struggle for the Iron Throne, raising the stakes for the upcoming volumes.

Back to the Wall

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The men of the Night’s Watch organize an expedition beyond the Wall to explore the frightening indications pointing to the White Walkers’ return. Jon Snow, who has befriended a captive wildling woman named Ygritte, is one of many who walk into the unknown, underscoring the mounting supernatural menace that overshadows the Seven Kingdoms’ political conflict.

The first book in the series ends with a chilling reminder of House Stark’s warning, “Winter is coming,” and the idea that petty power conflicts may be meaningless in the face of the old threat waking in the frozen North.

“A Game of Thrones” effectively introduces a rich universe populated by a diverse cast of individuals, each with their own depth and reasons. Its multi-perspective narrative allows for an immersive experience, with each plot twist and character choice having far-reaching consequences in this intricate game of power, survival, and honor. The setting is set for an epic narrative that will captivate audiences with its blend of politics, personal drama, and the threat of overwhelming otherworldly perils.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!


All the links are affiliate links to Amazon. It helps me, but also gets you the book for pretty cheap!

Let me know what you think of the summary? Any suggestions for future books that I have not done, let me know!



Eldric Thotwright

Bibliophile, writer and global explorer. Sharing book summaries, my own short stories and travel tales. Igniting curiosity and wanderlust one post at a time.