The Call of The Simpsons

From Season 1

Episode Summary

The Call of The Simpsons
Original Airdate2/18/90
WriterJohn Swartzwelder
DirectorWesley Archer
Created ByMatt Groening
Developed byJames L Brooks; Matt Groening; Sam Simon
Homer and Bart surviving in the wild

When Ned Flanders, the Simpsons’ neighbour, shows Homer his new RV, a jealous Homer buys one himself from Bob’s RV Round-Up. With his credit history he can only afford a poor quality one, but buys it anyway and takes the family camping. However, he loses control on a winding road and barely manages to stop teetering on the edge of a cliff. The family barely manage to escape moments before the RV falls over the edge, leaving them stranded in the wild.

Homer and Bart begin the search for the nearest town, unknowingly with Maggie following them. She becomes lost and is adopted by some three bears. While trying to cross some rapids, Homer and Bart lose their clothes and are forced to dress in leaves and mud. A photographer mistakes Homer for Bigfoot, and when the story gets out the forest becomes packed with hopefuls. Marge and Lisa are found and warned to look out for him, but when shown a picture Marge identifies him as her husband.

Homer is eventually caught by hunters and taken to a laboratory for analysis. Uncertain whether he is Bigfoot or human, they allow him to return home while they continue to run tests to decide which he is.


Bob: You ever known a siren to be good? No, Mr Simpson, it’s not. It’s a bad siren. That’s the computer in case I went blind telling me, “Sell the vehicle to this fella and you’re out of business!” That’s what the siren says. It seems the Ultimate Behemoth is a wee bit out of your price range, and “wee bit” is me being polite. You couldn’t afford this thing if you lived to be a million.


Discussing where babies come from:
Lisa: I heard a hideous story about it once in the schoolyard.
Marge: Oh. Well, it’s true, I’m afraid.


TV report on Bigfoot (Homer):
Anchorman: Bigfoot, legendary half-man half-ape, is no longer a legend. He’s very, very real. Now, the naturalist who took these absolutely extraordinary pictures was most impressed by the creature’s uncivilised look, its foul language, and most of all, its indescribable stench. A popular supermarket tabloid has offered a reward of five thousand dollars to anyone who brings in the creature alive. Naturally, we’ll have more on this story as it develops. We now return you to the President’s address, already in progress.


Lisa: Remember Dad, the handle of the Big Dipper points to the North Star..
Homer: That’s nice, Lisa. But we’re not in astronomy class – we’re in the woods.


Homer and Marge watch a press conference on the TV by scientists about their report on Homer:
Marvin Monroe: Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished colleagues, after extensive biological and anatomical testing I regret to announce that the evidence we have is inconclusive.
Scientist 1: That’s what he thinks. I say it’s none other than Bigfoot in the flesh.
Scientist 2: Oh no, I disagree, I think it is a man. The eyes have a glimmer of human intelligence.
Scientist 3: Glimmer in the eyes… What about the sloping ape-like forehead?
Homer: Oh, the guys at work are going to have a field day with this.

Guest Voices

Other Information

Air Date : 02-18-90

Chalkboard : “I will not draw naked ladies in class”

Production Code : 7G09


  • Wesley Archer


  • John Swartzelder

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