CSI: NY – Recap & Review – Smooth Criminal

photo: cbs

Smooth Criminal

Original Air Date: Feb 11, 2011

Maria – TwoCents Reviewer

So, a guy (played by Ne-Yo) walks into a lounge, he chats to a gorgeous woman as she’s sat at the bar, sexily stirring her martini and olives. There’s an interesting chat about music, not just the normal cheesy pick-up lines that guys usually give. The guy asks the pretty lady to excuse him for one moment.

Then he shoots two men and the bartender. He takes the reluctant woman with him.

The three victims are: Ken Marion, student who was working as a bartender to pay his way through college; Julian Grace, a Presbyterian Minister with an advanced form of cancer and George Parker, an ex-convict with a history of violence. It looks like both Grace and Parker were lured to the bar by the killer and the bartender was an innocent victim who was killed to prevent him from identifying the hit-man.

At first, there are only dead ends and more questions. There was a gun left in the lounge, in an oven. It got so hot there that it destroyed all evidence. It also looks like the hitman used nail varnish on his fingertips to avoid leaving fingerprints. Both Parker and Grace had slightly radioactive blood, which is very hard to explain. Adam is also struggling to identify ash found inside the oven, along with the gun. Sid found hairs on George Parker’s neck. The hairs trace back to William Dowd, another ex-convict. Turns out they were just exchanged during a friendly hello, and nothing more.

Finally, we’ve learned the identity of gorgeous lady who is currently being held hostage by the hitman. Camille Jordanson isn’t an unfamiliar name to Sheldon Hawkes though, as he knows her, he grew up with her, and she tried to get in touch with him recently but he didn’t reply. Hawkes and Jo Danville decide to examine her apartment for more evidence.

At Jordanson’s place, Hawkes discovers a box which is full of bottles of medicine. None of them are prescribed to her and she was recently sacked from her job as a Nurse at a Clinic. Apparently, she had been fired from the clinic for stealing medication, Dr. Theola Kumi tells Don and Danny, and giving the patients counterfeit medication instead. Meanwhile, the Hitman is not very happy the CSIs found the meds (which turn out to be counterfeit also) when he wasn’t able to recover them first. He demands to know the location of Janice Scott.

The CSIs are able to find Janice Scott by going through Camille’s phone records. Whilst trying to get to her, Don Flack almost catches the hitman, but not quite. Also, by the time the Dr. Hawkes gets to Janice Scott, she’s already died from natural causes. It seems like all three of the hitman’s planned victims were taking fake meds, and since the medicines contained trace amounts of Uranium, it explains the radioactive blood.

Adam has also been able to trace a steel fragment amongst the ash in the oven. There was also a pin that Jo Danville recognised earlier. Together, it has the makings of what used to be a hat. Amazingly, Adam tracks down the store where it was sold. Unfortunately, it the hitman only pays with cash and never gives his name. Adam is able to get a sketch of the man though.

Then the audience is shown a meeting between the hitman and (drum roll please) Dr. Theola Kumi. She tells the man that he can name his price because of all the improvising he has done, but she needs Camille taken care of. Back at base, Sheldon is the first to suggest that Camille had the meds as proof against Kumi. Kumi was convicted of medical fraud in Armenia, before coming to New York. When Don and Danny visit the clinic, they find it completely devoid of anything.

The Uranium links to a place in Queens that has been abandoned for years and which Kumi then utilised to make the fake drugs. Jo catches Dr. Kumi shredding paper at the factory, whilst Mac gets involved in a rather unfair fire fight between some of Kumi’s lackeys. Having shut down the operation, will our favourite CSIs be able to locate and rescue the lovely Camille in time?

They’re able to use Kumi’s phone to locate the hitman’s current location but they realise a burner phone will not be accurate for long. As the CSIs rush to the scene, Adam overhears the call the hitman makes to Kumi where he tells her that he is still a professional. The conversation is cut short by the sound of gunshots.

This turns out to be a false alarm. The hitman shot two men who were after him, but he left Camille alive. He didn’t leave early enough though, because he’s still arrested. Sheldon is able to rescue Camille and she visits him at work later. Jo is blatantly observing them, determining that they’d be a cute couple and that she is definitely interested in him. Mac acts like he’s too mature to be dragged into this conversation, but he can’t deny that Jo’s observations seem accurate. Looks like Sheldon has finally got a love interest. Yay!

A good episode; a charismatic performance from Ne-Yo as the mysterious hitman and the gorgeous Lesley Ann Brandt looks set to become Sheldon Hawke’s girlfriend, especially since she survived for no other apparent reason. The case was also interesting too, but because Sheldon knew the hostage it was clear that she was innocent.

What are your thoughts on the episode? What do you think about Camille, Sheldon’s new love interest? Did you manage to figure out what was going on, before we were shown? At the end, do you agree that observing Sheldon with Camille is unprofessional like Mac, or do you take glee in Jo Danville’s approach to people? Whatever your thoughts, please share your TwoCents in a reply.

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