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Recap / Greys Anatomy S 01 E 07 The Self Destruct Button

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Recap pages are Spoilers Off, meaning all spoilers are unmarked per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Derek and Meredith try to be discreet after spending the night together at her house; George is reluctant to voice his suspicions that an anesthesiologist is drinking on the job.


  • Abusive Parents: Claire's mother pushes her to lose weight, control her eating, exercise and oppose her focusing on her college grades. Her father is a downplayed example, since he's shown to be supportive of Claire, but he's still guilty of not realizing the kind of pressure his wife did until is too late, when the girl has already irreparably damaged her own body in order to live up to her mother's expectations.
  • Foreshadowing: Cristina feeling ill with the flu.
  • Noodle Incident: One patient swallowed his girlfriend's keys on purpose just so his girlfriend won't leave him.
  • Right Through the Wall: Meredith and Derek were loud enough to keep her roommates Izzie and George awake.
  • Self-Harm: Claire has a stomach bypass surgery performed on her in Mexico. Causing her health to be effected.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: When Meredith explains to Mr. and Mrs. Rice that their daughter lost so much of her intestines that she developed short bowel syndrome, which will cause her to suffer from nutritional problems for the rest of her life, Mr. Rice is distraught while Mrs. Rice's only reaction is to comment that this is just the latest disappointment she has received from her daughter. Meredith then points out that Claire almost killed herself in an effort to live up to her mother's absurdly high standards. As Mrs. Rice continues to disregard these statements, Mr. Rice finally realizes the reality of the facts and when his wife turns to him, he angrily shushes her.
    Mrs. Rice: If you somehow think that I'm responsible for this...
    Meredith: I think Claire is killing herself to please you.
    Mrs. Rice: Oh, please. You have no idea what's going on in that girl's mind.
    Meredith: You're her mother. She worships the ground you walk on. She didn't do this for herself.
    Mrs. Rice: (She turns to her husband) I think that this situation is completely...
    Mr. Rice: (Angrily) Tina... Shut up.
  • Surprise Pregnancy: Christina discovers she's pregnant with Preston's baby
  • Too Kinky to Torture: One patient willingly allows himself to get shot or hurt just so he could have a scar. He doesn't mind the pain and is quite thrilled.
  • Wham Shot: Cristina in the restroom taking two pregnancy tests.
