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Recap / How I Met Your Mother S 1 E 18 Nothing Good Ever Happens After 2 AM

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With Victoria on his mind, Ted has conflicted feelings when Robin invites him over for a late-night rendezvous.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Arc Words: The episode title itself, and Future!Ted's advice to his kids: "If it's after 2 AM, just go to sleep."
  • Blatant Lies: Robin's excuse for Ted to go to her house at 2:00 AM is "to prepare juice".
  • Chekhov's Gun: Ted makes a point of showing Robin how he got the same phone as her. They get them mixed up at the worst possible time for Ted.
  • Double Entendre: Robin invites Ted over to "make some juice". The sexual undertones did not escape the characters' notice.
  • Downer Ending: Hey, what do you know, the title told the truth!
  • Elvis Impersonator: Marshall, Lily, and Barney ran into one.
  • Event Title: Virtually the entire episode takes place from 2:00 AM onwards.
  • Funny Foreigner: The Korean Elvis Impersonator dubbed "Korean Elvis".
  • Gray-and-Gray Morality: Ted and Imaginary Victoria's last conversation revolves around Ted's helpless obsession over Robin, while Ted argues that Victoria should have called earlier.
  • Groin Attack: "This night would be known as the time when Lily kicked Korean Elvis in the nards".
  • Mind Screw: Victoria "appears" as a representation of Ted's guilt.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    Future Ted: And there you have it kids, the stupidest thing I've ever done. In just one night, I managed to hurt two people I cared about.
  • Oh, Crap!: This isn't my phone.
  • P.O.V. Sequel: Downplayed: the first act of the episode is this for "Life Among the Gorillas", showing what led to Robin calling Ted at 2AM.
  • Spoiler Title: Anyone surprised that the episode had a Downer Ending?
  • The Unreveal: We never learn what Victoria wanted to talk to Ted about.
  • Wham Episode: Ted cheated on Victoria with Robin. Robin, who thought he already broke up with Victoria, wasn't pleased when she finds out the truth. Ted and Victoria broke up. And as the closing narration states, in one night, Ted managed to hurt two people he deeply cared about.
  • Wham Line:
    Imaginary Victoria: That's not your phone.
    • After hearing the above, Ted rushes and sees Robin on his phone...
    Robin: It was your girlfriend.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Marshall, Lily and Imaginary Victoria call out Ted on trying to sleep with Robin.
    • Marshall and Barney both call out Lily for telling Ted that Robin's interested in him, as it ends up encouraging him to cheat on Victoria with her.
