Glee Watch: Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures

In last night's episode, the question on everyone's mind was "What is your guilty pleasure?" Turns out the Glee kids have plenty. Let's recap, shall we?

Guilty Pleasures

When Blaine catches Sam stealing cafeteria pasta, he assumes it's to feed Sam's family. Wrong. Turns out Sam has a little guilty pleasure: macaroni art. In one of my favorite scenes of the season thus far, we see a gallery of epic mac art. Notables include a squinty-faced Leann Rimes, Ralph Macchio, the Duck Dynasty cast, and even Kurt. Aww.

Sam's guilty art inspires this week's assignment: what is your guilty pleasure. And the guilty pleasure songs/bands run the gamut from George Michael (Blaine) to the Spice Girls (Kitty). But the best musical revelation is Sam is a closet "Fanilow" a.k.a. Barry Manilow fan. It is also revealed that he isn't the only one. (Honestly, who can resist sashaying to Copacabana?)

I was disappointed we didn't get any Sue guilty pleasure revelations, but then again, every episode that Sue appears in we tend to learn something strange and disturbing about her.

NYC Guilty Pleasures

Carrying the guilty pleasure theme to NYC, we learn that Kurt sleeps with a "man arm" named Bruce. And Kurt spreads the love by getting a girlfriend arm for Santana and a boyfriend arm for Rachel. Now that's a true friend. Haha.

Rachel Learns the Truth

Santana finally tells Rachel the truth about Brody's gigolo side-job. So Rachel officially ends things with Brody with a "Creep" duet. (Something that would only happen on Glee.)

Last Name Brown = Don't Sing

Jake's guilty pleasure is Chris Brown songs, and I thought the way he framed his argument was logical. You can still like the music, even if you don't like/respect the artist. For instance, most people didn't agree with Michael Jackson's lifestyle, but no one would argue that he wasn't a talented musical genius.

When Jake swaps one Brown for another, instead singing a Bobby Brown song, I immediately started laughing because I knew where the storyline was going. Bobby Brown was another "bad Brown" who got Whitney hooked on crack. Poor Jake couldn't win. Anyway, I thought Jake did a great job of covering "My Prerogative."


Although Blaine says his guilty pleasure is Wham, we all know it's really S-A-M. The dynamic of "Blam" (nicknamed by my friend Brett) is a solid friendship, so I was pretty sure Sam wouldn't be weirded out by Blaine's crush. But if Sam ever wanted to switch teams, I'm all for a "Blam" pairing.

LOL Moment(s)

Tina dressing up as Vicki the Robot from Small Wonder was completely unexpected. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that watched the cult television show so that was a great scene.

Memorable Quotes

Sam: "My art teacher thinks I'm some kind of genius like the ugly guy in Shine except with macaroni."

Santana: "I don't even think you need all of these beauty products Rachel because they're not really having the desired effect, unless your goal is to look like a reject from the Shahs of Sunset."

Kurt: "My most guilty pleasure of late, my boyfriend arm. I ordered it one night while on Ambien."

Santana: "Your boyfriend wasn't a cater waiter he was a Gigolo; like Magic Mike with happy endings, for money."

Music featured

“Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”


“Against All Odds”


“My Prerogative”


"Mamma Mia"

Gleeks, it's time for a hiatus before the final five episodes of the season. See you in three weeks!