These days, everything gets a reboot or a revival, and the latest TV show to return for a second round is Gossip Girl. The new version of the series premieres on HBO Max on July 8, and judging by its very dramatic, very expensive-feeling trailer, it looks promising. But sometimes you just want the original. Sometimes you need the comfort of Blair Waldorf and her many headbands. Sometimes you need to see Blake Lively’s iconic delivery of the line “I killed someone.” Sometimes you want to hear every indie rock hit of the late aughts in one show. And that’s okay.

So if you’re looking to catch up with the first group of Upper East Side gossipers—whether for the first time or the fiftieth time—it is very easy to do so.

The entire series is available to stream.

If you’re subscribed to HBO Max, you’re in luck. Not only will the new series air on the streaming platform, but all six seasons of the original series are available to stream right now. Watch Jenny Humphrey evolve from a preppy outsider to a punk fashion designer running away from home as many times as you want.

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You can also watch GG on other platforms.

While an HBO Max subscription is the most convenient way to watch Gossip Girl, the show can also be downloaded elsewhere. iTunes, Vudu, YouTube, Google Play, and Amazon Prime all offer Gossip Girl with episodes starting at around $1.99 each. You can also purchase full seasons of the show or the entire series. For example, a season of the show will cost you $14.99 on Amazon Prime; the entire series goes for $89.99 on iTunes. Honestly, it’s worth it to have the lives of Manhattan’s upper crust available to you at literally all times.

There’s always DVDs…

Well, if you have access to something that plays DVDs, that is. But if you do want your Gossip Girl viewing experience to mirror the technology of the time the show aired, then DVDs are definitely an option. Accuracy is important, people!! The prices vary widely on these sets though. Secondhand sites like eBay and Mercari have full seasons on sale for as low as $3. Amazon is selling the complete series for $159. You know you love physical media…XOXO, Gossip Girl.