The Hedge Knight, the next Game of Thrones prequel, is set 100 years after House of the Dragon

HBO has ordered a full series based on George R.R. Martin's Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas
The Hedge Knight the next Game of Thrones prequel is set 100 years after House of the Dragon

The Hedge Knight is coming. At this point, we can probably stop expecting to ever get those last Game of Thrones books. Instead, we'll just have to keep looking to the past. We've already been doing that with HBO's House of the Dragon, a Game of Thrones prequel set more than 200 years before the original series, and now we're getting another series to bridge the gap further.

Martin's series of novellas called Tales of Dunk and Egg are the latest to get given the HBO assembly line stamp. Granted, the name doesn't scream epic tales of kings and queens and dragons, but it's not too far removed from the Seven Kingdoms we've come to know over the last decade or so. Even so, the streamer has made the probably-wise decision to rename the upcoming series The Hedge Knight, the name of the first story.

Here's everything we know about the Game of Thrones prequel The Hedge Knight.

What is the Tales of Dunk and Egg series about?

Where House of the Dragon took us two centuries into the past, Tales of Dunk and Egg only drops us less than 100 years before the main meat of A Song of Ice and Fire (the series that eventually became Game of Thrones).

The series is made up of three novellas, The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight. The series follows Dunk, whose real name is Ser Duncan the Tall, and Egg, the future King Aegon V Targaryen. If those names seem familiar then well done, you're ready for a George R.R. Martin-themed Mastermind. Ser Duncan the Tall, while not explicitly mentioned in the books but made canon by Martin himself, is an ancestor of Brienne of Tarth, played by Gwendoline Christie in the original series. Aegon V Targaryen, however, is the father of the ‘Mad King’, the last ruler of the Targaryen line before Robert Baratheon sieged the throne.

Considering all the bleakness that the series is sandwiched between, Tales of Dunk and Egg are almost quaint in their plots. Considering they're just a series of short stories that Martin still plans to write more of (hey, we've heard that somewhere else before), they might need a bit of beefing up before they hit the small screen. The novellas follow Dunk and Egg, who are young, unlikely friends navigating Westeros completely unaware of what lies ahead of them in the not-so-distant future. Think coming-of-age, but Westeros style.

When will The Hedge Knight be out?

There's no official word from HBO or Martin about when we can expect The Hedge Knight to hit our screens, but seeing as the order was only just announced we'll probably have to wait a while.

At the moment, The Hedge Knight is just in early development. According to Martin via his personal blog, a pilot script has been written and it looks like they're pushing forward with the episodes after. “HBO has given us a greenlight to film for a full season, most likely of six episodes... though that is not set in stone, and won’t be until considerably later in the process.”

Season two of House of the Dragon will probably land on our screen sometime in 2024 but don't expect The Hedge Knight to be its placeholder this year.