Kirche in Cassone by Gustav Klimt

Kirche in Cassone

(Church in Cassone)

Gustav Klimt

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1913  ·  Öl auf Leinwand  ·  Picture ID: 22706

Art Nouveau  ·  Towns and villages

The Austrian painter Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) decisively influenced Viennese art nouveau through his murals and landscapes. Contrary to his academic training at the Vienna School of Applied Arts, his later artistic activity for many renowned artists of that time and his commissioned paintings in famous and historic Viennese buildings, the artist and free spirit Klimt renounced the tradition and founded the "Wiener Secession" with several colleagues Artists' Association, which spoke out against the straightforward artistic education of the 19th century. Especially his "Golden Style" was characterized by square works on which the depicted landscapes should not only radiate peace and serenity for the beholder, but should also be understood as a symbol of life in their splendor of color and realistic color representation. The "Church in Cassone", painted by Klimt during his holidays in the province of Verona, also radiates the living tranquility of nature.

Kirche in Cassone by Gustav Klimt. Available as an art print on canvas, photo paper, watercolor board, uncoated paper or Japanese paper.
homes · serenity · trees · green · white · water · peaceful · beautiful · quiet · simple
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Waltraut H.
Art print on Canvas Leonardo (Satin), 49cm x 47cm, stretched on stretcher.

Barbara Z.
Art Print on Aluminum composite, 60cm x 58cm.

Aggi K.
Art print on Canvas Leonardo (Satin), 36cm x 35cm, stretched on stretcher.

Carole C.
Art print on Canvas Leonardo (Satin), 80cm x 77cm, stretched on stretcher.

Gast 1.
Art Print on Acrylic glass, 49cm x 47cm.

Gast 1.
Art Print on Aluminum composite, 80cm x 77cm. With painting frame .

Torsten W.
Art print on , 104cm x 100cm, stretched on stretcher. With painting frame .

Heinz H.
Art print on , 40cm x 39cm, stretched on stretcher.

Claudia R.
Art print on , 61cm x 59cm, stretched on stretcher.

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€ ???.??
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Produktionszeit: 2-4 Werktage
Bildschärfe: PERFEKT

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Other art prints by Gustav Klimt

The Kiss Bauerngarten The music Danaë Church in Cassone Lady with fan Farm Garden with Sunflowers Adele Bloch Bauer Death and Life, c.1911 Portrait of a young woman, 1896-97 Malcesine on Lake Garda Water snakes II Attersee Apple Tree I, 1912 Judith with the head of Holofernes
Discover more works by Gustav Klimt

Other art prints by Gustav Klimt

The Kiss Bauerngarten The music Danaë Church in Cassone Lady with fan Farm Garden with Sunflowers Adele Bloch Bauer Death and Life, c.1911 Portrait of a young woman, 1896-97 Malcesine on Lake Garda Water snakes II Attersee Apple Tree I, 1912 Judith with the head of Holofernes
Discover more works by Gustav Klimt

Other motives from the category Towns and villages

Starry Night The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice Skaters on a Frozen River Alongside a Town Church in Cassone Neumarkt in Dresden Landscape at Krumau View of the Herengracht in Amsterdam Whitehall Showing Holbeins Gate and Banqueting Hall Murnau, Burggrabenstrasse View and Map of the Town of Toledo, detail of the Tavera hospital, 1609  (detail of 124615) The Grand Canal View of a town house garden in The Hague, 1775 View of Dresden by Moonlight The effects of good government in cities Malcesine on Lake Garda
View More from "Towns and villages"

Other motives from the category Towns and villages

Starry Night The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice Skaters on a Frozen River Alongside a Town Church in Cassone Neumarkt in Dresden Landscape at Krumau View of the Herengracht in Amsterdam Whitehall Showing Holbeins Gate and Banqueting Hall Murnau, Burggrabenstrasse View and Map of the Town of Toledo, detail of the Tavera hospital, 1609  (detail of 124615) The Grand Canal View of a town house garden in The Hague, 1775 View of Dresden by Moonlight The effects of good government in cities Malcesine on Lake Garda
View More from "Towns and villages"

Excerpt from our top sellers

Vesuvius in Eruption The Scream Moon rising Over the Sea Knight, Death and the Devil, 1513 (copper plate engraving) Chichester Canal, c.1829 Morning Rays, 2016, (acrylic inks on paper) Inferno, Canto 1 : Dante in the savage wood, illustration from The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, 1885 The woman with the black cravat The Foxes The times of day: The morning, 1821-1822 Water Lilies, 1916 Portrait of Young Girl Taking Care of Baby Sister While Rest of Family is Working at Local Cannery, Bayou La Batre, Alabama, USA, c.1911 The Sin, 1899 Artists&39; luncheon at Brøndum&39;s Hotel Color Study. Squares with Concentric Circles, 1913.
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Excerpt from our top sellers

Vesuvius in Eruption The Scream Moon rising Over the Sea Knight, Death and the Devil, 1513 (copper plate engraving) Chichester Canal, c.1829 Morning Rays, 2016, (acrylic inks on paper) Inferno, Canto 1 : Dante in the savage wood, illustration from The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, 1885 The woman with the black cravat The Foxes The times of day: The morning, 1821-1822 Water Lilies, 1916 Portrait of Young Girl Taking Care of Baby Sister While Rest of Family is Working at Local Cannery, Bayou La Batre, Alabama, USA, c.1911 The Sin, 1899 Artists&39; luncheon at Brøndum&39;s Hotel Color Study. Squares with Concentric Circles, 1913.
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Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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Kärntner Strasse 46
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