Grey's Anatomy Recap: "Thriller"

TV Guide
Patrick Dempsey and Jason George | Photo Credits: Richard Cartwright/ABC

Grey's Anatomy scared up some tricks and treats in its Halloween episode! There were zombies, maggots in wounds, fights and even a pseudo-breakup as the doctors of Grey Sloan Memorial honored the spooky holiday. How did everyone celebrate? Let's check out who got the tricks and who got the treats:


-Leah was bitten by a zombie, Stephanie is running into walls after getting Lasik, and Shane starts going crazy when a patient insists on being treated by Heather Brooks. The interns are delightfully a mess.

-Leah hilariously tried to sneak out of Arizona's hotel room after the duo slept together. (That's the exact opposite of seeing leaves.) But after she's bitten by the zombie, she does her best to keep things light with Arizona, even though she's very scared while waiting to get her test results back. Arizona is there to offer her encouraging words. This relationship is growing on me. Send all hate mail to the comments below.

-Emma has called things off with Owen, telling him not to call her until he's actually ready to be in a relationship. Even when he does phone her and accidentally calls her "simple" before hanging up, Emma calls him back, which means that this relationship isn't over yet.


-Meredith and Cristina are still on the outs, but Meredith attempts a slight repair by inviting Cris to their Halloween party, even though it will be full of children. Cristina does stop by, but only to drop off cupcakes before leaving unannounced.

-When Bailey continues to complain about those interns, insisting that they're not ready to do the surgery on Richard, he decides to fire Bailey from his case. He does finally apologize to Meredith for yelling at her earlier this season and asks her to take the case and use it as a teaching opportunity.

-Ben has returned to Seattle Grace and reveals to Bailey that he actually quit his residency in Los Angeles. It turns into an epic fight that ends in disappointment. Could they be next on the relationship chopping block? Mistresses did get renewed for a second season, which could mean that actor Jason George may be needed elsewhere.

-Without her friends and Owen, Cristina ventures out to the bar alone on Halloween where she comes across Shane, who decides to buy her a drink. Oh boy. Do. Not. Let. This. Happen.

What did you think of the Halloween episode?

Grey's Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9/8c on ABC.

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