Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Grey's Anatomy - Episode 8.17 - One Step Too Far - Short Synopsis

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 8.17 - One Step Too Far - Short Synopsis

25 Feb 2012

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Derek asks Meredith to work with him in neuro again; Catherine Avery (Debbie Allen) comes back to Seattle Grace and takes an interest in Richard; Cristina becomes increasingly suspicious of Owen; Morgan may be falling for Alex.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Yay, Meredith in neuro again! And is Catherine Avery romantically interested in Richard? And yay, Morgan/Alex! I can go for that.

  2. YAY so happy for Morgan and Alex, I can't wait to see that 

  3. excited to see Debbie Allen back!!! not liking the storyline that cristina is suspicious of owen as i believe he is not cheating.

  4. Yay Debbie Allen returning im so excited!!!!!!
    Cristina u need to go crouching tiger hidden asian and get some real evidence for ur suspicion or just confront Owen. 

  5. LMAO! Crouching tiger hidden Asian...that was great!


  6.  i mean she needs to be like a stealth operator and go behind enemy territories lol
    she just gonna drive herself crazy until she gets the answers she wants.

  7. It'll be nice to see Meredith in neuro, but I've actually enjoyed Lexie there.  

  8. Debbie Allen :D
    No for Mongan and Alex

  9. Finally, Meredith in neuro, i really hope she stays!!

  10. Yay for mer/der on neuro again but Im not liking the title one step to far, this is the episode mer covers up for lexie so guessing she Wong stick around doh! All I'll say is mer let that girl make her mistakes he got time on her side you haven't.

  11. Debby Allan coming back and she is liking the chief,its going be fun!

  12. yay, Mer/Der working together in neuro again like finally been missing these two together at work, not a big fan of Lexie she becoming increasingly annoying to me.
    The only problem is the title for the episode "One step to far" is it going to end with Derek angry with his wife again as she has covered up a Lexie error or will he be smart enough to realise Mer is covering up this time.
    IMO Lexie should step up and admit to the error and not let her sister fall she is big enough, old enough and smart enough to know she stuffed up, especially with the boards coming up Mer can't afford another error.

  13. love it CTHA, definately needs to confront him.
    Excited for mumma avery returning got this feeling she gonna give Lexie a piece of her mind for treating her little boy like a toy.
    Alex/Morgan gonna go with it give it a chance.

  14. Meredith is neuro sounds good but judging by past spoilers it'll be temporary. Yay for Catherine Avery coming back - she's great. Not so keen on Morgan/Alex.

  15. The same could be said for Meredith. She made a conscious decision to tamper with the clinical trial and the Chief took the fall for her. In the end Meredith didn't suffer any consequences for her actions and stated she would've done it again. If Grey's Anatomy were to try to be the slightest bit realistic, Meredith would've stayed fired and blown her shot at having a career in medicine because no one would want to hire her after that.

  16. nah i think avery failed the boards and shes there to rip him a new one. then flirt with richard.

  17. Well I'm confused. Is this episode titled "Have to Say Goodbye" or is it "One Step Too Far".??

    1. What's confusing you Glenda? It's "one step to far"

  18.  cristina and owen should solve their problem and go back together, she can be a good mom! she just can't see it!

  19. Cristina doesn't *want* to be a mother, and there's nothing wrong with that. Owen should be with someone who does want kids.

  20. i wonder if this is the episode where Meredith defends Lexie for some reason and thats y she is going back to neuro.
    Owen and Cristina need to call it quits. It is apparent how important having a child is to Owen.  So much that he is possibly cheating on his wife

  21. Just thought of this one, with momma avery back in town she is gonna rip a new one to Lexie over Jackson which will leave her upset and unable to concentrate so Derek tell's her to leave, he then beg's Mer to assist him in neuro. Mer will then defend her lil sis and confront mother avery.

  22.  i dont think momma avery will rip Lexie a new one.  She did warn Avery but he didnt listen, i doubt her character would come off that way. but an interesting theory none the less lol

  23. haha just a thought like i said, i'm generally way off anyway.

  24.  i like the way u think. It would be funny to see Debbie yelling at someone

  25. Morgan / Alex won't end well.  Last time Alex got too involved with a patient and her baby it was Ava and we all know how that turned out.

  26.  cristina and owen should solve their problem and go back together, she can be a good mom! she just can't see it!


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