S4E12 - “Soul Mates”

It’s the sunshine state baby! See lots of leggy girls, cars getting washed, and water. We’re in Sarasota. We see Mr. Thorp from Gossip Girl get in his car with his teenage daughter. He is telling her about defensive driving, and what she needs to do in order to get her license. But then he suddenly bails on her, saying he needs to go. But! To make her feel better, he tells her that once she has her license the car will be hers! 

They get out of the car, and she tells her friends in the area about getting the car. As her friends approach, one of the girls tells Andrea that another girl has gone missing, her name is Missy Dewalt. We hear that whoever is taking these girls is alternating between black and white girls, and his victims are getting younger. As this conversation unfolds, the cops go to Andreas door and arrest Andrea’s father - William Harris - for the kidnapping of Missy Dewalt. So this doesn’t bode well. 

He insists it is a mistake as he is apprehended. Hotch and Prentis show up and asks the cop what is going on, saying that they wont find Missy. As is turns out, the way this episode is set up, the BAU has already been working with the Sarasota police, and telling them that he would’ve needed privacy and time, and not keep her on his property - but he wouldn’t listen.

Mr. Harris does fit the profile - there is a witness that places him at the abduction site, and he has a history where he used the same MO in Atlanta - he fits the profile, a high-functioning, successful family man living and working in the area. SO the cops have probable cause to arrest him, but what they don’t have is enough to prosecute him. So their next step is interrogation and investigation. We learn that he keeps his victims for 2 days before killing them and Missy was abducted yesterday, so they do have some time to find her alone. But what might be a snag in this, is that Mr Harris is a successful litigator, so it will be challenging to get him to crack. They have 12 hours to get him to crack.  

But now we see the BAU in his neighborhood Jordan is getting asked by the locals if he did it - they are nervous about the safety of their kids! 

Now Morgan is interrogating Harris. He doesn’t want or need a lawyer because he is a lawyer. They show him photographs of the previous victims – three girls who sere all raped strangled and dumped. He goes on to say how he has a daughter their age - this shit is horrifying! Morgan talks about how they do have shit on him – Atlanta. Apparently there were two rape victims there who refused to testify, which is why it was dropped. Rossi talks about falling in love, and is like YOU MISS THAT FEELING DON’T YOU! Harris talks about how every minute they spend with him is a minute she is alone with him. He insists he is the wrong guy. 

Next Prentis starts talking to the family - Andrea and her mother. The mother talks about how it isn’t her fault, and they have nothing to hide - they are both really defensive of Mr. Harris. Prentis is like?? How do you feel about the fact that he has been accused of this shit twice?? They’re like - hey, hey hey, you can save Missy’s life! But Mrs Harris excuses them, saying the interview is over. Next Garcia starts searching Mr Harris computer. She is sure she will catch something. 

Mr Harris is released to speak with his family before appearing before the judge - his wife tells him that his bail is $5 million, and she’s like?? How are we supposed to do this? Our retirement fund> and he tells her to put up their house. And she is like excuse me?? The house?? What happens if shit goes pear shaped. And he’s like, literally don’t worry about it. Prentis and Hotch clock how Sharon Harris reacted to him telling her to put ip the house, and it looks like she is starting to doubt him! Oh shit!

Cut and Reid is telling the team that Garcia found a link to an encrypted webpage. Turns out, this link brings them to a unsearchable website that appears to be some kind of blog. Due to the styles of writing on the blog, Reid was able to identify that it appears to be written by two different authors. He is like, so excited by this (I would be too), and the cop is like, where did you find this kid? And Rossi says “he was left in a basket on the steps of the FBI”. 

Rossi goes back to speak with Harris and he starts out by reading some of the journal entries to him. Harris continues to be defensive. During this conversation, the cop comes in and says “We found Missy” to which Harris is like “I told you so!” They realize that she was killed hours ago - when Harris was in custody. But they still think he was involved - they realize he must have a partner. A partner who is doing their best to get him out of jai. Reid continues to analyze the journals. He has not been able to figure out who it could be, but they realize they need to figure out when they met. Hotch talks about the dom and sub relationship - more on that later. Apparently the partner is a biter too - they found bite marks on Missy. 

Rossi goes back to Harris, and he shames him for being gay??? Maybe?? Harris continues to be defensive, and deferring the conversation. He does a great job at staying calm. Garcia shows that the dental records match another case – but the perpetrator was never arrested. The case was of another rape – the find the survivor and visit her at the flower shop she works at. She says that her attacker was a control freak, he wore a mask, but was white. He choked her but got away. She goes a great job. 

So now we kind of get a profile: 

An Anger-Excitation Rapist 

  • Two dominant personalities - which is rare (allegedly lol) 

  • Their lives probably mirror one another

  • They both sound like saints, but have dark sides 

So the team decides to fuck with the partner and start blogging! 

Prentis goes to Andrea, and talks about how the guy they are looking for would have a lot in common with her father. She asks if Andrea would recognize anyone with this person. She also says it is likely that this guy will come and ask after Andrea – because he has no way of learning about how her father is doing. Reid fucks with the partner and basically suggests that Harris is cooperating with he police - - hopefully making the partner think that Harris has turned him in. 

Rossi and Morgan continue to talk to Harris. They ask him what would happen if his partner turned them in – or the other way around. Making the partner think that Harris has betrayed them. Outside of the Harris home, Andrea and her mother see hat people are graffitiing the car. A white man in his 40s runs up to Sharon and is like “these damn kids! Don’t worry! We’ll take care of this Sharon!” Guys IT’S HIM!!

Morgan keeps telling harris that he thinks these letters sound like love letters. Between two men! Omfg. Harris talks about how Morgan likely has to prove himself to the rest of the FBI because he is black – Harris says they have this in common, in their fields of work. Morgan rejects this all and walks out. The white man - Steven – cleans up the mess outside of the Harris home. Andrea is like – I didn’t even know you and my dad were friends? She is SUS of him. She is kind of short with them and her mom is like, wtf Andrea? And Andrea explains to her that this is exactly what the FBI told them would happen. 

They find a passage in the journals about when they met - it was a block party. And it was just, love at first site?? We get a flashback to their meeting and we get some gross straight people stuff “got Annie trained”.  We witness their conversation, and it is…very uncomfortable. Like, it feels like their conversation about burgers is supposed to be a metaphor…

Andrea gets bullied by the locals girls in the neighborhood. They are real nasty to her - and Steven the neighbor comes to the rescue again. He mentions to Andrea that he saw that her mom was gone, and offers to keep her company. Gross. The BAU talks about how it is very strange that they communicate via blog, and how none of the messages ever mention specific times. Additionally, all four of the victims were taken during different times of the day - none of them consistent. So how do they communicate? They don’t call or write. It has to be visual or auditory. Reid suggests that maybe they are writing lyrics to songs to one another in these blogs – and yep! Its all songs! And Hotch and Prentis realize that the song coming from a car when they pulled up to the Harris home was one that matches with the lyrics in these blogs. SO. now they need to figure out when this block party was, and figure out which neighbor it is. 

White male, with children, live in FL his whole life, and has a good job. And yep! A man named Steven Baleman matches this description - and oh shit! He lives right next door! 

Andrea follows Steven as he walks around. He goes near some boats. But it is like, a boathouse situation? And then?? Steven catches Andrea following him. 

Morgan and Rossi go to Harris and Rossi is just like “STEVEN BALEMAN”. Prentis goes to Balemen’s home, and talks to his wife. She is like, oh okay, so Steven got upset After Harris got upset. And while this is happening, Sharon tells the BAU that Andrea is missing. 

Sharon goes to Harris, and is like, WHERE DID HE TAKE ANDREA. Sharon tells Harris that she thought maybe he was having an affair, but she knew that there was something going on, but she never said anything because it would make it real. And then she also reveals to him that she did not post bail. HA! So. Now what William? Rossi tells him that Andrea has been gone for two hours, so what is happening? Now the minute he says anything, he turns himself in. but he also needs to save his daughter. So what is it gonna be! 

But then, suddenly we see her father run in and save Andrea. She is tied up and has duct tape over her mouth. As soon as she is untied, Steven rolls in. he is angry! And he is insisting to Steven he didn’t tell them anything! A lovers quarrel. He is lying to Steven saying that the case was dismissed and thats how he got out - turns out he is wearing a wire. And as soon as he mentions Miss Dewalt that seals the deal. The FBI busts in and apprehends both of them. 

Rating Criteria:

  • Criminal/Serial Killer: 15/20

  • Character development/ character arcs: 10/20

  • Forensics/Context: 14/20

  • Script writing: 17/20

  • Background characters: 18/20

Overall: 74/100


S4E13 - “Bloodline”


S4E11 - “Normal”